About Us

The Guild is a group of open source developers.

We were formed in order to bring a different approach for sustainable open source development.

We believe in the interaction between internal teams with real world challenges and open source.

We are the team that links those together.

One of our main guidelines of open source is solving real issues for real people.

That’s why we work with and help companies like Microsoft, KLM-AirFrance, Schneider-Electric, Wix and others.

We do everything that’s needed to improve developer productivity and product performance.

That can include:

  • Remove any blocker that might take away time from a developer - CI/CD pipelines, Complex Build systems, developer toolings, making them active decision makers in the open source tools and libraries they rely on, Connecting teams across different levels of their tech stack
  • Performance, security audits and fixes for API Gateways

All of that always follows with real code changes, otherwise, if it’s just consultations, we do it for free.


We do open source slow but well.

We want our open source libraries to be built for the long term, in a sustainable way, with extreme high quality, thanks to continuous improvements and the ability to always learn and respond to the community’s feedback, working closely on a daily basis with companies and individuals from the community, solving real issues for them.

And we are managing to do so. If you check out our libraries, some have been around for many years, they are always up to date, with low number of issues and are always actively maintained.

We also revived many libraries of the community (you can read more of that on our blog).

That way of open source is not instead of other ways (venture capital startups, teams from large corporations), it is complimentary.

Another main guideline for us in open source is Individuality.

Each library is under a person’s name, not under The Guild organization on GitHub.

The Benefits of That Approach

  • Bigger sense of responsibility on the maintainer
  • The individual maintainers get the credit they deserve
  • Resiliency of the code - if maintenance is not on par, it is far easier to fork and compete, compared to a famous organization/company, making the code and the community more distributed and resilient
  • It helps our individuals members promote themselves, their own GitHub users, their own social media
  • Maximizing the individual and personal growth of our members is more important than the group

The way we work and our structure also incentivises us to contribute to other solutions instead of working on our own.

We would rather contribute to an active project than to create our own.

But, we have a very high standard to what it means to be an active open source project and unfortunately, finding libraries like that is hard.

So we always try to help and support first.

Also, we rely on you, the community.

How You Can Help

Get in Touch

Looking to work with The Guild, learn more about our solutions or just validate with us your API strategy? We will be happy to speak with you and learn about your efforts for free!