
Sofa enables you to run GraphQL Subscriptions through WebHooks. It has a special API to start, update, and stop a subscription.

  • POST /webhook - starts a subscription
  • DELETE /webhook/:id - stops it
  • POST /webhook/:id- updates it

Starting a subscription

To start a new subscription you need to include following data in request’s body:

  • subscription - subscription’s name, matches the name in GraphQL Schema
  • variables - variables passed to run a subscription (optional)
  • url - an url of your webhook receiving endpoint

After sending it to POST /webhook you’re going to get in return a unique ID that is your started subscription’s identifier.


Stoping a subscription

In order to stop a subscription, you need to pass its id and hit DELETE /webhook/:id.

Updating a subscription

Updating a subscription looks very similar to how you start one. Your request’s body should contain:

  • variables - variables passed to run a subscription (optional)

After sending it to POST /webhook/:id you’re going to get in return a new ID:



Given the following schema:

type Subscription {
  onBook: Book

Let’s start a subscription by sending that to POST /webhook:

  "subscription": "onBook",
  "variables": {},
  "url": ""

In return we get an id that we later on use to stop or update subscription:

DELETE /webhook/:id