Ruby subservices
This example demonstrates Ruby subservices within a stitched schema. Their GraphQL implementations use:
- graphql-ruby for GraphQL execution.
- graphql-ruby-schema-directives for class-based schema directives.
for parsing SDL strings into executable schemas.
Local setup
Clone the GitHub repo .
cd examples/subservice-languages/ruby
bundle install
yarn install
yarn start-services
Then in a new terminal tab:
yarn start-gateway
The following services are available for interactive queries:
- Stitched gateway: http://localhost:4000/graphql
Try fetching some data:
query {
users(ids: ["1", "2"]) {
reviews {
product {
Unique to this example is that the subservices are Ruby applications. Their GraphQL implementations use graphql-ruby paired with graphql-ruby-schema-directives to generate schema stitching SDLs.
This example demonstrates both schemas built with a code-first approach (as Ruby classes), and by parsing a type definitions string into a schema. Either approach works fine for providing an annotated SDL to schema stitching.
Class-based schemas
The Accounts and Review services are implemented using class-based schema definitions:
class BaseField < GraphQL::Schema::Field
include GraphQL::SchemaDirectives::Field
class BaseObject < GraphQL::Schema::Object
include GraphQL::SchemaDirectives::Object
field_class BaseField
class User < BaseObject
add_directive :key, { selectionSet: '{ id }' }
field :id, ID, null: false
field :name, String, null: true
field :username, String, null: true
class Query < BaseObject
field :users, [User, null: true], null: false, directives: { merge: { keyField: 'id' } } do
argument :ids, [ID], required: true
field :_sdl, String, null: false
The GraphQL::SchemaDirectives
gem provides API extensions for applying custom schema directives to
types and fields.
Schemas from type definitions
The Products service is implemented with a parsed type definitions string:
type_defs = %(
type Product @key(selectionSet: "{ upc }") {
upc: String!
name: String
price: Int
weight: Int
type Query {
products(upcs: [ID!]!): [Product]! @merge(keyField: "upc")
_sdl: String!
schema = GraphQL::SchemaDirectives.from_definition(type_defs, default_resolve: ...)
You’ll need to build your own default resolver for this approach. It’s more of a self-service effort, although you remain in control of the complete resolution process.