Source Handlers

OpenAPI / Swagger

This handler allows you to load remote or local OpenAPI (2/3) and Swagger schemas. This work originated from IBM Research, and is currently maintained by GraphQL Mesh.

You can import it using remote/local .json or .yaml.

How to use?

To get started, install the handler library:

npm i @omnigraph/openapi

Then you can import the library in your configuration file, and define your OpenAPI/Swagger source;

import { defineConfig } from '@graphql-mesh/compose-cli'
import { loadOpenAPISubgraph } from '@omnigraph/openapi'
export const composeConfig = defineConfig({
  subgraphs: [
      sourceHandler: loadOpenAPISubgraph('Wiki', {
        source: 'https://api.apis.guru/v2/specs/wikimedia.org/1.0.0/swagger.yaml'

Overriding default Query/Mutation operations classification

By default, all GET operations will be placed into Query fields and all other operations into Mutation fields. with this option, you can manually override this process. To switch between Query and Mutation operations, and vice versa, you need to define a rule per override, consisting of the OAS title, the path of the operation, the method of the operation and finally, the destination type (e.g., Query or Mutation). See the example below:

import { defineConfig } from '@graphql-mesh/compose-cli'
import { loadOpenAPISubgraph } from '@omnigraph/openapi'
export const composeConfig = defineConfig({
  subgraphs: [
      sourceHandler: loadOpenAPISubgraph('Wiki', {
        source: './my-schema.json',
        selectQueryOrMutationField: [
            fieldName: 'add_weather_forecast', // OAS field name
            type: 'Query' // switch method POST from default Mutation into Query
            fieldName: 'get_weather_forecast', // OAS field name
            type: 'Mutation' // switch method GET from default Query into Mutation

Naming convention

We use operationId for the names, and aim to keep it as close as possible to origin.

Type naming

We adjust operationId only when necessary according to the GraphQL spec: - Chars (white space), ., /, : and - are replaced with _ (underscore) - Other chars which are not latin/digits are replaced with their char codes - If first char of the name is a digit, we prefix it with _ (GraphQL spec doesn’t allow that)

Unnamed types

We use path-based naming. So names could be structured like, for example, query_getUsers_items_firstName


Read about configuration and examples

Callbacks as Subscriptions

OpenAPI handler is able to process OAS Callbacks as GraphQL Subscriptions. It uses your PubSub implementation to consume the data. But you have to define webhooks for individual callbacks to make it work.

See Subscriptions & Webhooks to create an endpoint to consume a webhook. You should use the callback url as pubSubTopic in the webhook configuration.

Also see our example; Subscriptions Example with Webhooks.