App Router, Turbopack, Rust search engine Pagefind, RSC i18n, server/client components, compiled by React Compiler, GitHub Alert Syntax, new file
MDX 3, new i18n, new _meta files with JSX support, more powerful TOC, remote MDX, better bundle size, MathJax, new code block styles, shikiji, ESM-only and more
Here are what the new version of Nextra 2 Framework includes.
The most important parts of Relay are the concepts of building and scaling applications, let's show how you can use these patterns in your existing projects.
How to get the most of React application types with GraphQL Code Generator.
All the new features GraphQL Codegen adds to your type-system with the new Apollo Client 3.
Working with GraphQL, TypeScript and SWR is now much simpler!
Using GraphQL and Typescript on the client just became a lot easier!
The GraphQL codegen library can generate code for multiple purposes. Make sure you get the most out of it.
How to run React E2E tests purely with hooks. Tested with React-Native and Firebase Test Lab.
The coolest, most underrated design pattern in React
How they're implemented and their similarities with Angular services.
Use private class names instead of a dedicated component
Use and generate React Hooks with Apollo and Typescript with the new version of GraphQL Code Generator.
Fully functional WhatsApp Clone using React (Hooks+Suspense), GraphQL, Apollo, TypeScript and PostgreSQL
Use this magical Babel plugin and get a performance boost for your React components.
Looking at the implementation and getting to know it inside out.
Learning how to think like a JSX parser and building an AST
The challenges that I've faced and how I solved them.
Getting to know React DOM's event handling system inside out.
How to create a React app out of a Webflow project.
Generate React Apollo Query, Mutation and Subscription components and hook. All completely typed by TypeScript.
Introduction to new features of MCB. Better React Native support, handling Meteor imports etc.