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This is documentation for v4 of the plugin. For v3 click here.


💡 This rule provides suggestions

  • Category: Schema
  • Rule name: @graphql-eslint/no-unused-fields
  • Requires GraphQL Schema: true ℹ️
  • Requires GraphQL Operations: true ℹ️
Requires all fields to be used at some level by siblings operations.

Usage Examples


# eslint @graphql-eslint/no-unused-fields: 'error' type User { id: ID! name: String someUnusedField: String } type Query { me: User } query { me { id name } }


# eslint @graphql-eslint/no-unused-fields: 'error' type User { id: ID! name: String } type Query { me: User } query { me { id name } }

Correct (ignoring fields)

# eslint @graphql-eslint/no-unused-fields: ['error', { ignoredFieldSelectors: ['[][name.value=/(endCursor|startCursor|hasNextPage|hasPreviousPage)/]', '[$/][name.value=cursor]', '[$/][name.value=pageInfo]'] }] ### 1️⃣ YOUR SCHEMA # Root Query Type type Query { user: User } # User Type type User { id: ID! name: String! friends(first: Int, after: String): FriendConnection! } # FriendConnection Type (Relay Connection) type FriendConnection { edges: [FriendEdge] pageInfo: PageInfo! } # FriendEdge Type type FriendEdge { cursor: String! node: Friend! } # Friend Type type Friend { id: ID! name: String! } # PageInfo Type (Relay Pagination) type PageInfo { hasPreviousPage: Boolean! hasNextPage: Boolean! startCursor: String endCursor: String } ### 2️⃣ YOUR QUERY query { user { id name friends(first: 10) { edges { node { id name } } } } }

Config Schema

The schema defines the following properties:

ignoredFieldSelectors (array)

Fields that will be ignored and are allowed to be unused.

E.g. The following selector will ignore all the relay pagination fields for every connection exposed in the schema:

[ "[][name.value=/(endCursor|startCursor|hasNextPage|hasPreviousPage)/]", "[$/][name.value=cursor]", "[$/][name.value=pageInfo]" ]

These fields are defined by ESLint selectors. Paste or drop code into the editor in ASTExplorer and inspect the generated AST to compose your selector.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

Additional restrictions:

  • Minimum items: 1
  • Unique items: true


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