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GraphQL Tools
DocumentationGraphQL Tag Pluck

Extracting GraphQL Definitions from Code Files

@graphql-tools/graphql-tag-pluck will take JavaScript code as an input and will pluck all template literals provided to graphql-tag.

import gql from 'graphql-tag' const fragment = gql` fragment Foo on FooType { id } ` const doc = gql` query foo { foo { ...Foo } } ${fragment} `
fragment Foo on FooType { id } query foo { foo { ...Foo } }

Originally created because of


npm i @graphql-tools/graphql-tag-pluck

Once installed you can pluck GraphQL template literals using one of the following methods:

import { gqlPluckFromCodeString, gqlPluckFromCodeStringSync } from '@graphql-tools/graphql-tag-pluck' // Returns promise gqlPluckFromCodeString( filePath, // this parameter is required to detect file type fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') ) // Returns string gqlPluckFromCodeStringSync(filePath, fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'))

Template literals leaded by magic comments will also be extracted :-)

const MessageType = /* GraphQL */ ` enum MessageType { text media draftjs } `

Supported file extensions are:

  • .js
  • .mjs
  • .cjs
  • .jsx
  • .ts
  • .mts
  • .cts
  • .tsx
  • .flow
  • .flow.js
  • .flow.jsx
  • .vue
  • .svelte
  • .astro


It is recommended to look at the source code for a clearer understanding of the transformation options.


The magic comment anchor to look for when parsing GraphQL strings. Defaults to graphql, which may be translated into /* GraphQL */ in code.


Allows using a global identifier instead of a module import. Identifiers are case sensitive.

// `graphql` is a global function export const usersQuery = graphql` { users { id name } } `


An array of packages that are responsible for exporting the GraphQL string parser function.

The following modules are supported by default:

{ modules: [ // import gql from 'graphql-tag' { name: 'graphql-tag' }, { name: 'graphql-tag.macro' }, // import { graphql } from 'gatsby' { identifier: 'graphql', name: 'gatsby' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-express' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server' }, { identifier: 'graphql', name: 'react-relay' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-boost' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-koa' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-hapi' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-fastify' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-lambda' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-micro' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-azure-functions' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-cloud-functions' }, { identifier: 'gql', name: 'apollo-server-cloudflare' } ] }


A custom way to determine if a template literal node contains a GraphQL query.

By default, it checks if the leading comment is equal to the gqlMagicComment option.

function isGqlTemplateLiteral(node, options) { // Check if the template literal starts with `#graphql` comment return node.type === 'TemplateLiteral' && node.quasis[0]?.value?.raw?.startsWith('#graphql') }


A function that allows custom extraction of GraphQL strings from a file.

function pluckStringFromFile(code, { start, end, leadingComments }) { // Slice quotes and remove inner comment return code.slice(start + 1, end - 1).replace('#graphql\n', '') }
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