These transforms eliminate unwanted or unnecessary elements from a schema.
eliminates unreachable elements from the schema. This is generally useful to include
after a filter transform so that orphaned types and values are eliminated from the schema.
class PruneSchema(options: PruneSchemaOptions) implements Transform
interface PruneSchemaOptions {
* Return true to skip pruning this type. This check will run first before any other options.
* This can be helpful for schemas that support type extensions like Apollo Federation.
skipPruning?: PruneSchemaFilter;
* Set to `true` to skip pruning object types or interfaces with no no fields
skipEmptyCompositeTypePruning?: boolean;
* Set to `true` to skip pruning interfaces that are not implemented by any
* other types
skipUnimplementedInterfacesPruning?: boolean;
* Set to `true` to skip pruning empty unions
skipEmptyUnionPruning?: boolean;
* Set to `true` to skip pruning unused types
skipUnusedTypesPruning?: boolean;
type PruneSchemaFilter = (type: GraphQLNamedType) => boolean;
Usage is pretty simple;
import { PruneSchema } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'
const subschema = {
schema: buildSchema(`
type Query {
foo: String
# This type will be removed after
type Bar {
id: ID!
transforms: [new PruneSchema({})]
Remove deprecations of the fields
You can remove deprecation annotations of the fields from the schema based a string or regex describing a deprecation to remove from the gateway schema. Fields matching this deprecation will be un-deprecated. Useful for normalizing computed fields that are activated by the gateway wrapper.
import { RemoveObjectFieldDeprecations } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'
const subschema = {
schema: buildSchema(/* GraphQL */ `
type Test {
id: ID!
first: String! @deprecated(reason: "do not remove")
second: String! @deprecated(reason: "remove this")
transforms: [new RemoveObjectFieldDeprecations('remove this')]
Then it will become the following;
type Test {
id: ID!
first: String! @deprecated(reason: "do not remove")
second: String!
Remove fields by deprecation
You can remove object fields whose deprecation reason matches the provided string or regex.
import { RemoveObjectFieldsWithDeprecation } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'
const subschema = {
schema: buildSchema(/* GraphQL */ `
type Test {
id: ID!
first: String! @deprecated(reason: "do not remove")
second: String! @deprecated(reason: "remove this")
transforms: [new RemoveObjectFieldsWithDeprecation('remove this')]
The it will become the following;
type Test {
id: ID!
first: String! @deprecated(reason: "do not remove")
Remove directives of the fields
You can remove object field directives that match a directive name and optional argument criteria.
import { RemoveObjectFieldDirectives } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'
const subschema = {
schema: buildSchema(/* GraphQL */ `
directive @alpha(arg: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @bravo(arg: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Test {
id: ID! @bravo(arg: "remove this")
first: String! @alpha(arg: "do not remove")
second: String! @alpha(arg: "remove this")
third: String @alpha(arg: "remove this")
transforms: [new RemoveObjectFieldDirectives('alpha')]
Then it will become the following;
type Test {
id: ID! @bravo(arg: "remove this")
first: String!
second: String!
third: String
Remove fields by directive
You can remove object fields with a schema directive matching a given name and optional argument criteria.
import { RemoveObjectFieldsWithDirective } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'
const subschema = {
schema: buildSchema(/* GraphQL */ `
directive @alpha(arg: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @bravo(arg: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Test {
id: ID! @bravo(arg: "remove this")
first: String! @alpha(arg: "do not remove")
second: String! @alpha(arg: "remove this")
third: String @alpha(arg: "remove this")
transforms: [new RemoveObjectFieldsWithDirective('alpha')]
Then it will become the following;
type Test {
id: ID! @bravo(arg: "remove this")