Usage Example


graphql-scalars provides generic scalar definition for JavaScript/TypeScript, that means you can use it with any GraphQL server implementation.

To use your scalars, start by importing the scalar the you wish to use, and add it to your GraphQL schema.

Each scalar provides a separate implementation (based on GraphQLScalar class of graphql-js), so you can use it with both schema-first and code-first approaches.

Schema-first approach

Start by adding the scalar to your GraphQL SDL:

scalar ScalarName

Note that you can also import ready-to-use type definitions for scalars like below:

// or import specific typeDefs only with ES6 Import
import { ScalarNameTypeDefinition } from 'graphql-scalars';
// or import specific typeDefs only with CommonJS
const { ScalarNameTypeDefinition } = require('graphql-scalars');
const typeDefs = [
  // other typeDefs

Then, you can import the specific scalar’s resolver:

// or import specific resolvers only with ES6 Import
import { ScalarNameResolver } from 'graphql-scalars';
// or import specific resolvers only with CommonJS
const { ScalarNameResolver } = require('graphql-scalars');

And add it to your resolver map:

const myResolverMap = {
  ScalarName: ScalarNameResolver,
  Query: {
    // more stuff here
  Mutation: {
    // more stuff here


With most code-first implementation, you can just import the scalar directly and add it to your schema as type.

import { GraphQLScalarName } from 'graphql-scalars'
// Now, use GraphQLScalarName as a type within your GraphQL Schema.