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GraphQL Scalars
DocumentationUsageApollo Server

Usage with Apollo Server

import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server' // import all scalars and resolvers from graphql-scalars import { resolvers as scalarResolvers, typeDefs as scalarTypeDefs } from 'graphql-scalars' // Alternatively, import individual scalars and resolvers // import { DateTimeResolver, DateTimeTypeDefinition, ... } from "graphql-scalars" // Example import of your own defined resolvers import { resolvers } from './src/resolvers' // Example importing of your own defined type definitions const typeDefs = fs.readFileSync(path.join(path.resolve(), './src/schema.graphql'), 'utf-8') const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs: [ // use spread syntax(since typeDefs from `graphql-scalars` come as an array) to add all `grahql-scalars` scalar definitions to your typeDefs array ...scalarTypeDefs, //Or you can add individual scalar definitions to your typeDefs array like this DateTimeTypeDefinition, // then add your own defined type definitions to your typeDefs array like this(without using spread syntax since this is usually a single string, unless otherwise) typeDefs ], resolvers: { // use spread syntax to add all scalar resolvers(from grahql-scalars) to your resolver map ...scalarResolvers, // Or you can add individual scalar resolvers to your resolver map like this DateTimeResolver, // then use spread syntax to add your own defined resolvers to your resolver map like this ...resolvers } }) server.listen().then(({ url }) => { console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`) })
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