Getting Started
Customize the Mesh Server
This is the documentation for the old GraphQL Mesh version v0. We recommend upgrading to the latest GraphQL Mesh version v1.

Migrate to GraphQL Mesh v1

How to: Customize the Mesh server

GraphQL Mesh provides a reliable and production-ready server implementation built with GraphQL Yoga and Envelop with, out of the box support for:

  • Persisted queries
  • Live queries
  • Files upload
  • Serverless deployment
  • and more…

Customizing your GraphQL Mesh Gateway server can be achieved in 2 ways:

  • Configure and provide Envelop plugins: to add behaviors such as caching, authentication, tracing to your Gateway
  • Provide a standalone server implementation: to completely replace the server used by the Gateway

Configure and provide plugins

Aided by the capabilities of Envelop, you can easily add plugins that helps with security and authentication, advanced caching, error handling, monitoring, logging and much more.

For full list of available plugins, please refer to the plugins section.

Configuration: serve reference

  • fork - - Spawn multiple server instances as node clusters (default: 1) One of:
    • Int
    • Boolean
  • port - - TCP Port to listen (default: 4000) One of:
    • Int
    • String
  • hostname (type: String) - The binding hostname (default: localhost)
  • cors (type: Object) - Configuration for CORS:
    • origin (type: Any)
    • allowedHeaders (type: Array of String)
    • exposedHeaders (type: Array of String)
    • credentials (type: Boolean)
    • maxAge (type: Int)
    • preflightContinue (type: Boolean)
    • optionsSuccessStatus (type: Int)
  • staticFiles (type: String) - Path to your static files you want to be served with GraphQL Mesh HTTP Server
  • playground (type: Boolean) - Show GraphiQL Playground
  • sslCredentials (type: Object) - SSL Credentials for HTTPS Server If this is provided, Mesh will be served via HTTPS:
    • key (type: String, required)
    • cert (type: String, required)
  • endpoint (type: String) - Path to GraphQL Endpoint (default: /graphql)
  • browser - - Path to the browser that will be used by mesh serve to open a playground window in development mode This feature can be disabled by passing false One of:
    • String
    • Boolean
  • playgroundTitle (type: String) - Title of GraphiQL Playground
  • batchingLimit (type: Int) - Enable and define a limit for Request Batching
  • healthCheckEndpoint (type: String) - Endpoint for Health Check
  • extraParamNames (type: Array of String) - By default, GraphQL Mesh does not allow parameters in the request body except query, variables, extensions, and operationName.

This option allows you to specify additional parameters that are allowed in the request body.

@default []

@example [‘doc_id’, ‘id’]

Provide a standalone server implementation

Creation of own server with Mesh Gateway and its deployment is described in Deploy a Mesh Gateway