This is the documentation for the old GraphQL Mesh version v0. We recommend upgrading to the latest GraphQL Mesh version v1.

Migrate to GraphQL Mesh v1

DataDog, InfluxDB, Telegraf, StatsD

You can use @graphql-mesh/plugin-statsd plugin to collect and send metrics to Datadog’s DogStatsD and InfluxDB’s Telegraf StatsD services.

Compatible with:

  • Datadog’s DogStatsD server
  • InfluxDB’s Telegraf StatsD server
  • Etsy’s StatsD serve

Available metrics:

  • graphql.operations.count - the number of performed operations (including failures)
  • graphql.operations.error.count - the number of failed operations
  • graphql.operations.latency - a histogram of response times (in milliseconds)
  • graphql.delegations.count - the number of delegated operations to the sources
  • graphql.delegations.error.count - the number of failed delegated operations
  • graphql.delegations.latency - a histogram of delegated response times (in milliseconds)
  • graphql.fetch.count - the number of outgoing HTTP requests
  • graphql.fetch.error.count - the number of failed outgoing HTTP requests
  • graphql.fetch.latency - a histogram of outgoing HTTP response times (in milliseconds)

You can also customize the graphql prefix and add custom tags to the metrics.

Getting Started

npm i @graphql-mesh/plugin-statsd hot-shots

Example Configuration

# ...
  - statsd:
      # Configure `hot-shots`
        port: 8020
      # results in `gql.operations.count` instead of `graphql.operations.count`
      prefix: my-graphql-mesh
      # If you wish to disable introspection logging
      skipIntrospection: true

Config API Reference

  • skipIntrospection (type: Boolean) - If you wish to disable introspection for logging (default: false)
  • prefix (type: String) - prefix.operations.count (default: graphql)
  • client (type: Object) - Client Configuration:
    • bufferFlushInterval (type: Int)
    • bufferHolder (type: Object):
      • buffer (type: String, required)
    • cacheDns (type: Boolean)
    • cacheDnsTtl (type: Int)
    • globalTags (type: JSON)
    • globalize (type: Boolean)
    • host (type: String)
    • isChild (type: Boolean)
    • maxBufferSize (type: Int)
    • mock (type: Boolean)
    • path (type: String)
    • port (type: Int)
    • protocol (type: String (tcp | udp | uds | stream))
    • sampleRate (type: Float)
    • suffix (type: String)
    • telegraf (type: Boolean)
    • useDefaultRoute (type: Boolean)
    • tagPrefix (type: String)
    • tagSeperator (type: String)
    • tcpGracefulErrorHandling (type: Boolean)
    • tcpGracefulRestartRateLimit (type: Int)
    • udsGracefulErrorHandling (type: Boolean)
    • udsGracefulRestartRateLimit (type: Int)
    • closingFlushInterval (type: Int)