v0PluginsRate Limit
This is the documentation for the old GraphQL Mesh version v0. We recommend upgrading to the latest GraphQL Mesh version v1.

Migrate to GraphQL Mesh v1

Rate Limit

You can use @graphql-mesh/plugin-rate-limit plugin in order to limit the rate of calling queries and mutations.

Getting Started

npm i @graphql-mesh/plugin-rate-limit

Example Configuration

# ...
  - rateLimit:
        # Add as many rules as you want
        - type: Query
          field: foo
          max: 5 # requests limit for a time period
          ttl: 5000 # time period
          identifier: '{context.userId}'

Config API Reference

  • config (type: Array of Object, required):
    • type (type: String, required) - The type name that the following field belongs to
    • field (type: String, required) - The field of the type that the rate limit is applied to
    • max (type: Int, required) - The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time period
    • ttl (type: Int, required) - The time period in which the rate limit is applied
    • identifier (type: String, required) - The identifier expression that determines the identity of the request (e.g. {context.req.socket.remoteAddress})