v0PluginsOperation Field Permissions
This is the documentation for the old GraphQL Mesh version v0. We recommend upgrading to the latest GraphQL Mesh version v1.

Migrate to GraphQL Mesh v1

Operation Field Permissions

You can use @graphql-mesh/plugin-operation-field-permissions plugin to restrict the scope of certain public API users to a subset of the public GraphQL schema.

Based on Envelop’s useOperationFieldPermissions

This plugin and authentication on a plugin or source level are complementary. See authentication guide for more details.

Getting Started

npm i @graphql-mesh/plugin-operation-field-permissions

Example Configuration

# ...
  - operationFieldPermissions:
        - if: 'context._auth0?.sub != null'
            - '*'

Config API Reference

  • permissions (type: Array of Object):
    • if (type: String)
    • allow (type: Array of String)