
TypeScript Apollo Angular

Package nameWeekly DownloadsVersionLicenseUpdated
@graphql-codegen/typescript-apollo-angularDownloadsVersionLicenseSep 5th, 2024


npm i -D @graphql-codegen/typescript-apollo-angular

Usage Requirements In order to use this GraphQL Codegen plugin, please make sure that you have GraphQL operations (query / mutation / subscription and fragment) set as documents: … in your codegen.yml.

Without loading your GraphQL operations (query, mutation, subscription and fragment), you won’t see any change in the generated output.

This plugin generates Apollo services (Query, Mutation and Subscription) with TypeScript typings.

It will generate a strongly typed Angular service for every defined query, mutation or subscription. The generated Angular services are ready to inject and use within your Angular component.

It extends the basic TypeScript plugins: @graphql-codegen/typescript, @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations - and thus shares a similar configuration.

To shed some more light regards this template, it’s recommended to go through this article: https://apollo-angular.com/docs/get-started, and to read the Code Generation with Apollo Angular: https://the-guild.dev/blog/apollo-angular-12

Config API Reference


type: number default: 2

Version of apollo-angular package

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         apolloAngularVersion: 1
 export default config;


type: string

Allows to define ngModule as part of the plugin’s config so it’s globally available.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         ngModule: './path/to/module#MyModule'
 export default config;


type: string

Defined the global value of namedClient.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         namedClient: 'customName'
 export default config;


type: string

Defined the global value of serviceName.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         serviceName: 'MySDK'
 export default config;


type: boolean

Defined the global value of serviceProvidedInRoot.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         serviceProvidedInRoot: false
 export default config;


type: string

Define the Injector of the SDK class.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         serviceProvidedIn: './path/to/module#MyModule'
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Set to true in order to generate a SDK service class that uses all generated services.


type: string default: GQL

Allows to define a custom suffix for query operations.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         querySuffix: 'QueryService'
 export default config;


type: string default: GQL

Allows to define a custom suffix for mutation operations.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         mutationSuffix: 'MutationService'
 export default config;


type: string default: GQL

Allows to define a custom suffix for Subscription operations.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         subscriptionSuffix: 'SubscriptionService'
 export default config;


type: string default: 'apollo-angular'

Allows to define a custom Apollo-Angular package to import types from.


type: string[] default: “

Add additional dependency injections for generated services

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         additionalDI: ['testService: TestService', 'testService1': TestService1']
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Add override modifier to make the generated code compatible with the noImplicitOverride option of Typescript v4.3+.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       plugins: ['apollo-angular'],
       config: {
         addExplicitOverride: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Deprecated. Changes the documentMode to documentNode.


type: string default: graphql-tag#gql

Customize from which module will gql be imported from. This is useful if you want to use modules other than graphql-tag, e.g. graphql.macro.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         gqlImport: 'graphql.macro#gql'
 export default config;
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         gqlImport: 'gatsby#graphql'
 export default config;


type: string default: graphql#DocumentNode

Customize from which module will DocumentNode be imported from. This is useful if you want to use modules other than graphql, e.g. @graphql-typed-document-node.


type: boolean default: false

Set this configuration to true if you wish to tell codegen to generate code with no export identifier.


type: boolean default: false

Set this configuration to true if you wish to make sure to remove duplicate operation name suffix.


type: boolean default: false

Set this configuration to true if you wish to disable auto add suffix of operation name, like Query, Mutation, Subscription, Fragment.


type: string default: (empty)

Adds a suffix to generated operation result type names


type: string default: (empty)

Changes the GraphQL operations variables prefix.


type: string default: Document

Changes the GraphQL operations variables suffix.


type: string default: (empty)

Changes the GraphQL fragments variables prefix.


type: string default: FragmentDoc

Changes the GraphQL fragments variables suffix.


type: DocumentMode default: graphQLTag

Declares how DocumentNode are created:

  • graphQLTag: graphql-tag or other modules (check gqlImport) will be used to generate document nodes. If this is used, document nodes are generated on client side i.e. the module used to generate this will be shipped to the client
  • documentNode: document nodes will be generated as objects when we generate the templates.
  • documentNodeImportFragments: Similar to documentNode except it imports external fragments instead of embedding them.
  • external: document nodes are imported from an external file. To be used with importDocumentNodeExternallyFrom

Note that some plugins (like typescript-graphql-request) also supports string for this parameter.


type: boolean default: true

If you are using documentNode: documentMode | documentNodeImportFragments, you can set this to true to apply document optimizations for your GraphQL document. This will remove all “loc” and “description” fields from the compiled document, and will remove all empty arrays (such as directives, arguments and variableDefinitions).


type: string default: (empty)

This config is used internally by presets, but you can use it manually to tell codegen to prefix all base types that it’s using. This is useful if you wish to generate base types from typescript-operations plugin into a different file, and import it from there.


type: string default: (empty)

This config should be used if documentMode is external. This has 2 usage:

  • any string: This would be the path to import document nodes from. This can be used if we want to manually create the document nodes e.g. Use graphql-tag in a separate file and export the generated document

  • ‘near-operation-file’: This is a special mode that is intended to be used with near-operation-file preset to import document nodes from those files. If these files are .graphql files, we make use of webpack loader.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         documentMode: 'external',
         importDocumentNodeExternallyFrom: 'path/to/document-node-file',
 export default config;
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         documentMode: 'external',
         importDocumentNodeExternallyFrom: 'near-operation-file',
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

This config adds PURE magic comment to the static variables to enforce treeshaking for your bundler.


type: boolean default: false

If set to true, it will enable support for parsing variables on fragments.


type: boolean default: false

Makes scalars strict.

If scalars are found in the schema that are not defined in scalars an error will be thrown during codegen.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         strictScalars: true,
 export default config;


type: string default: any

Allows you to override the type that unknown scalars will have.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         defaultScalarType: 'unknown'
 export default config;


type: ScalarsMap

Extends or overrides the built-in scalars and custom GraphQL scalars to a custom type.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         scalars: {
           DateTime: 'Date',
           JSON: '{ [key: string]: any }',
 export default config;


type: NamingConvention default: change-case-all#pascalCase

Allow you to override the naming convention of the output. You can either override all namings, or specify an object with specific custom naming convention per output. The format of the converter must be a valid module#method. Allowed values for specific output are: typeNames, enumValues. You can also use “keep” to keep all GraphQL names as-is. Additionally, you can set transformUnderscore to true if you want to override the default behavior, which is to preserve underscores.

Available case functions in change-case-all are camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, dotCase, headerCase, noCase, paramCase, pascalCase, pathCase, sentenceCase, snakeCase, lowerCase, localeLowerCase, lowerCaseFirst, spongeCase, titleCase, upperCase, localeUpperCase and upperCaseFirst See more

Usage Examples

Override All Names
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         namingConvention: 'change-case-all#lowerCase',
 export default config;
Upper-case enum values
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         namingConvention: {
           typeNames: 'change-case-all#pascalCase',
           enumValues: 'change-case-all#upperCase',
 export default config;
Keep names as is
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
        namingConvention: 'keep',
 export default config;
Remove Underscores
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         namingConvention: {
           typeNames: 'change-case-all#pascalCase',
           transformUnderscore: true
 export default config;


type: string default: (empty)

Prefixes all the generated types.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         typesPrefix: 'I',
 export default config;


type: string default: (empty)

Suffixes all the generated types.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         typesSuffix: 'I',
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Does not add __typename to the generated types, unless it was specified in the selection set.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         skipTypename: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Automatically adds __typename field to the generated types, even when they are not specified in the selection set, and makes it non-optional

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         nonOptionalTypename: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Will use import type {} rather than import {} when importing only types. This gives compatibility with TypeScript’s “importsNotUsedAsValues”: “error” option

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         useTypeImports: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Removes fragment duplicates for reducing data transfer. It is done by removing sub-fragments imports from fragment definition Instead - all of them are imported to the Operation node.


type: string default: inline

Whether fragment types should be inlined into other operations. “inline” is the default behavior and will perform deep inlining fragment types within operation type definitions. “combine” is the previous behavior that uses fragment type references without inlining the types (and might cause issues with deeply nested fragment that uses list types).


type: boolean default: true

Emit legacy common js imports. Default it will be true this way it ensure that generated code works with non-compliant bundlers.

How to use?

Simply create a .graphql file and write a random query like so:

query MyFeed {
  feed {

Using graphql-codegen you can generate a file with Angular services that you can use when coding an Angular component:

import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'
const config: CodegenConfig = {
  // ...
  generates: {
    'path/to/output.ts': {
      plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-operations', 'typescript-apollo-angular']
export default config

Then, use it:

import { MyFeedGQL, MyFeedQuery } from './graphql'
// BE SURE TO USE Observable from rxjs and not from @apollo/client/core when using map
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'
  selector: 'feed',
  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let item of feed | async">{{ item.id }}</li>
export class FeedComponent {
  feed: Observable<MyFeedQuery['feed']>
  constructor(feedGQL: MyFeedGQL) {
    this.feed = feedGQL.watch().valueChanges.pipe(map(result => result.data.feed))

@NgModule directive

All generated services are defined with @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) and in most cases you don’t need to overwrite it, because providing a service to the root injector is highly recommended. To customize that behavior you can use @NgModule directive, anywhere in an operation, to let the codegen know which injector should it use to create a service.

You can’t use multiple @NgModule directives in the same operation
query feed {
  feed @NgModule(module: "./feed/feed.module#FeedModule") {

@namedClient directive

Sometimes you end up with multiple Apollo clients, which means part of operations can’t use the defaults. In order to customize that behavior you simply attach the @namedClient directive and the typescript-apollo-angular plugin takes care of the rest.

You can’t use multiple @namedClient directives in the same operation
query feed {
  feed @namedClient(name: "custom") {