TypeScript Mock Data
Package name | Weekly Downloads | Version | License | Updated |
graphql-codegen-typescript-mock-data | Feb 6th, 2025 |
npm i -D graphql-codegen-typescript-mock-data
GraphQL Codegen Plugin for building mock data based on the schema.
yarn add -D graphql-codegen-typescript-mock-data
typesFile (string
, defaultValue: null
Defines the file path containing all GraphQL types. This file can also be generated through graphql-codegen
useTypeImports(boolean, defaultValue: false)
Will use import type rather than import when importing only types. This gives compatibility with TypeScript’s “importsNotUsedAsValues”: “error” option
addTypename (boolean
, defaultValue: false
Adds __typename
property to mock data
enumsAsTypes (boolean
, defaultValue: false
Changes enums to TypeScript string union types
terminateCircularRelationships (boolean | 'immediate'
, defaultValue: false
When enabled, prevents circular relationships from triggering infinite recursion. After the first resolution of a specific type in a particular call stack, subsequent resolutions will return an empty object cast to the correct type.
When enabled with immediate
, it will only resolve the relationship once, independently of the call stack. Use this option if you’re experiencing out of memory
errors while generating mocks.
prefix (string
, defaultValue: a
for consonants & an
for vowels)
The prefix to add to the mock function name. Cannot be empty since it will clash with the associated
typescript definition from @graphql-codegen/typescript
listElementCount (number
, defaultValue: 1
How many elements should be generated for lists. For example, with listElementCount: 3
a schema field names: [String!]!
would generate 3
names in each mock.
enumValues (string
, defaultValue: change-case-all#pascalCase
Changes the case of the enums. The format of the converter must be a valid module#method
. You can also use keep
keep all GraphQL names as-is. Available case functions in change-case-all
are camelCase
, capitalCase
, constantCase
, headerCase
, noCase
, paramCase
, pascalCase
, pathCase
, sentenceCase
, snakeCase
, lowerCase
, lowerCaseFirst
, spongeCase
, titleCase
, upperCase
, localeUpperCase
and upperCaseFirst
See more
typeNames (string
, defaultValue: change-case-all#pascalCase
Changes the case of types. The format of the converter must be a valid module#method
. You can also use keep
keep all GraphQL names as-is. Available case functions in change-case-all
are camelCase
, capitalCase
, constantCase
, headerCase
, noCase
, paramCase
, pascalCase
, pathCase
, sentenceCase
, snakeCase
, lowerCase
, lowerCaseFirst
, spongeCase
, titleCase
, upperCase
, localeUpperCase
and upperCaseFirst
See more
scalars ({ [Scalar: string]: GeneratorOptions }
, defaultValue: undefined
Allows you to define mappings for your custom scalars. Allows you to map any GraphQL Scalar to a casual embedded generator (string or function key) with optional arguments, or a or faker generator with optional arguments
For detailed configuration options, see GeneratorOptions documentation.
Examples using casual
- typescript-mock-data:
Date: date # gets translated to casual.date()
With arguments
- typescript-mock-data:
Date: # gets translated to casual.date('YYYY-MM-DD')
generator: date
arguments: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
Examples using faker
- typescript-mock-data:
Date: date.past # gets translated to faker.date.past()
With arguments
- typescript-mock-data:
Date: # gets translated to faker.date.past(10)
generator: date.past
arguments: 10
Custom value generator
- add: "import { arrayBufferGenerator } from '../generators';"
- typescript-mock-data:
ArrayBuffer: arrayBufferGenerator()
typesPrefix (string
, defaultValue: ”)
Useful if you have globally exported types under a certain namespace. e.g If the types file is something like this
declare namespace Api {
type User {
Setting the typesPrefix
to Api.
will create the following mock data
export const aUser = (overrides?: Partial<Api.User>): Api.User => {
enumsPrefix (string
, defaultValue: ”)
Similar to typesPrefix
, but for enum types
declare namespace Api {
enum Status {
Setting the enumsPrefix
to Api.
will create the following mock data
export const aUser = (overrides?: Partial<User>): User => {
status: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('status') ? overrides.status! : Api.Status.Online,
typeNamesMapping ({ [typeName: string]: string }
, defaultValue: {}
Allows you to define mappings to rename the types. This is useful when you want to override the generated type name. For example, if you have a type called User
and you want to rename it to RenamedUser
you can do the following:
- typescript-mock-data:
typesFile: '../generated-types.ts'
User: RenamedUser
This will generate the following mock function:
export const aUser = (overrides?: Partial<RenamedUser>): RenamedUser => {
Note: It is not possible to rename your enums using this option.
transformUnderscore (boolean
, defaultValue: true
When disabled, underscores will be retained for type names when the case is changed. It has no effect if typeNames
is set to keep
dynamicValues (boolean
, defaultValue: false
When enabled, values will be generated dynamically when the mock function is called rather than statically when the mock function is generated. The values are generated consistently from a casual seed that can be manually configured using the generated seedMocks(seed: number)
function, as shown in this test.
useImplementingTypes (boolean
, defaultValue: false
When enabled, it will support the useImplementingTypes GraphQL codegen configuration.
- When a GraphQL interface is used for a field, this flag will use the implementing types, instead of the interface itself.
defaultNullableToNull (boolean
, defaultValue: false
When enabled, it will set all nullable fields to null per default instead of generating a value.
fieldGeneration ({ [typeName: string]: { [fieldName: string]: GeneratorOptions } }
, defaultValue: undefined
This setting allows you to add specific generation to a field for a given type. For example if you have a type called User
and a field called birthDate
you can override any generated value there as follows:
- typescript-mock-data:
Date: date.future
birthDate: date.past
Note that even if birthDate
is a scalar of Date
type, its value will still be overridden.
If you want to use a specific generator for all fields of a given name, you can declare it under a property called _all
- typescript-mock-data:
Date: date.future
email: internet.email
email: 'admin@email.com'
In the above example all resolvers with the name email
will use the internet.email
generator. However since we specified a specific email for AdminUser
that will take precedence over the _all
generated value.
For detailed configuration options, see GeneratorOptions documentation.
generateLibrary ('casual' | 'faker'
, defaultValue: 'faker'
Select a library to generate mock values. The default is faker, Other options include casual casual is not maintained and will be remove in future major versions. faker is useful when you want to use a mock function with the dynamicValues option enabled in the browser.
This type is used in scalars
and fieldGeneration
Examples using faker
With arguments
- typescript-mock-data:
Date: # gets translated to faker.date.past(10)
generator: date.past
arguments: 10
With multiple arguments
- typescript-mock-data:
Description: # gets translated to faker.lorem.paragraphs(3, '\n')
generator: lorem.paragraphs
- 3
- '\n'
Shorthand if you don’t have arguments
- typescript-mock-data:
Date: date.past # gets translated to faker.date.past()
With extra function call
fieldName: # gets translated to faker.date.past().toLocaleDateString()
generator: date.past
function: toLocaleDateString
With extra function call arguments
fieldName: # gets translated to faker.date.past().toLocaleDateString('en_GB)
generator: date.past
function: toLocaleDateString
arguments: 'en_GB'
Custom value generator
# gets translated as is
fieldName: arrayBufferGenerator()
Examples using casual (deprecated)
Shorthand if you don’t have arguments
fieldName: date # gets translated to casual.date()
With arguments
fieldName: # gets translated to casual.date('YYYY-MM-DD')
generator: date
arguments: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
With multiple arguments
fieldName: # gets translated to casual.integer(-100, 100)
generator: integer
- -100
- 100
With extra function call
fieldName: # gets translated to casual.integer.toFixed()
generator: integer
function: toFixed
With extra function call arguments
fieldName: # gets translated to casual.integer.toFixed(3)
generator: integer
function: toFixed
arguments: 3
Examples of usage
overwrite: true
schema: schema.graphql
- 'typescript'
- typescript-mock-data:
typesFile: '../generated-types.ts'
enumValues: upper-case#upperCase
typeNames: keep
AWSTimestamp: number.int # gets translated to faker.number.int()
With eslint-disable
overwrite: true
schema: schema.graphql
- 'typescript'
- add:
content: '/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define,@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars,no-prototype-builtins */'
- typescript-mock-data:
typesFile: '../generated-types.ts'
enumValues: upper-case#upperCase
typeNames: keep
AWSTimestamp: number.int # gets translated to faker.number.int()
Example of generated code
Given the following schema:
scalar AWSTimestamp
type Avatar {
id: ID!
url: String!
type User {
id: ID!
login: String!
avatar: Avatar
status: Status!
updatedAt: AWSTimestamp
type Query {
user: User!
input UpdateUserInput {
id: ID!
login: String
avatar: Avatar
enum Status {
type Mutation {
updateUser(user: UpdateUserInput): User
The code generated will look like:
export const anAvatar = (overrides?: Partial<Avatar>): Avatar => {
return {
id: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('id') ? overrides.id! : '0550ff93-dd31-49b4-8c38-ff1cb68bdc38',
url: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('url') ? overrides.url! : 'aliquid',
export const anUpdateUserInput = (overrides?: Partial<UpdateUserInput>): UpdateUserInput => {
return {
id: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('id') ? overrides.id! : '1d6a9360-c92b-4660-8e5f-04155047bddc',
login: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('login') ? overrides.login! : 'qui',
avatar: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('avatar') ? overrides.avatar! : anAvatar(),
export const aUser = (overrides?: Partial<User>): User => {
return {
id: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('id') ? overrides.id! : 'a5756f00-41a6-422a-8a7d-d13ee6a63750',
login: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('login') ? overrides.login! : 'libero',
avatar: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('avatar') ? overrides.avatar! : anAvatar(),
status: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('status') ? overrides.status! : Status.Online,
updatedAt: overrides && overrides.hasOwnProperty('updatedAt') ? overrides.updatedAt! : 1458071232,
Usage in tests
Those helper functions can be used in our unit tests:
const user = aUser({ login: 'johndoe' });
// will create a user object with `login` property overridden to `johndoe`
Dealing with Timezone
If some properties use generated dates, the result could different depending on the timezone of your machine.
To force a timezone, you can set environment variable TZ
TZ=UTC graphql-codegen
This will force the timezone to UTC
, whatever the timezone of your machine or CI
Feel free to open issues and pull requests. We always welcome support from the community.
To run this project locally:
- Use Node >= 16
- Make sure that you have the latest Yarn version (https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/)
- Clone this repo using
git clone
- Run
- Run
yarn build
to build the package - Run
yarn test
to make sure everything works