
This plugin is meant to be used for low-level use cases or as building block for presets.
For building a GraphQL client application we recommend using the client-preset.

TypeScript Operations

Package nameWeekly DownloadsVersionLicenseUpdated
@graphql-codegen/typescript-operationsDownloadsVersionLicenseOct 19th, 2024


npm i -D @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations

Usage Requirements In order to use this GraphQL Codegen plugin, please make sure that you have GraphQL operations (query / mutation / subscription and fragment) set as documents: … in your codegen.yml.

Without loading your GraphQL operations (query, mutation, subscription and fragment), you won’t see any change in the generated output.

This plugin generates TypeScript types based on your GraphQLSchema and your GraphQL operations and fragments. It generates types for your GraphQL documents: Query, Mutation, Subscription and Fragment.

Note: In most configurations, this plugin requires you to use `typescript as well, because it depends on its base types.

Config API Reference


type: boolean default: true

The GraphQL spec allows arrays and a single primitive value for list input. This allows to deactivate that behavior to only accept arrays instead of single values. If set to false, the definition: query foo(bar: [Int!]!): Foo will output bar: Array<Int> instead of bar: Array<Int> | Int for the variable part.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript'],
       config: {
         arrayInputCoercion: false
 export default config;


type: AvoidOptionalsConfig | boolean default: false

This will cause the generator to avoid using TypeScript optionals (?) on types, so the following definition: type A { myField: String } will output myField: Maybe<string> instead of myField?: Maybe<string>.

Usage Examples

Override all definition types
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript'],
       config: {
         avoidOptionals: true
 export default config;
Override only specific definition types
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript'],
       config: {
         avoidOptionals: {
           field: true
           inputValue: true
           object: true
           defaultValue: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Generates immutable types by adding readonly to properties and uses ReadonlyArray.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript'],
       config: {
         immutableTypes: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Flatten fragment spread and inline fragments into a simple selection set before generating.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-operations'],
       config: {
         flattenGeneratedTypes: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Include all fragments types when flattenGeneratedTypes is enabled.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-operations'],
       config: {
         flattenGeneratedTypes: true,
         flattenGeneratedTypesIncludeFragments: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Set to true in order to generate output without export modifier. This is useful if you are generating .d.ts file and want it to be globally available.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript'],
       config: {
         noExport: true
 export default config;


type: boolean


type: boolean default: false

Add const export of the operation name to output file. Pay attention that the file should be d.ts. You can combine it with near-operation-file preset and therefore the types will be generated along with graphql file. Then you need to set extension in presetConfig to be .gql.d.ts and by that you can import gql file in ts files. It will allow you to get everything with one import:

import { GetClient, GetClientQuery, GetClientQueryVariables } from './GetClient.gql.js'

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     "./typings/api.ts": {
       "plugins": [
   "./": {
       "preset": "near-operation-file",
       "presetConfig": {
           "baseTypesPath": "./typings/api.ts",
           "extension": ".gql.d.ts"
       "plugins": [
       "config": {
           "addOperationExport": true
 export default config;


type: string default: T | null

Allow to override the type value of Maybe.

Usage Examples

Allow undefined
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript'],
       config: {
         maybeValue: 'T | null | undefined'
 export default config;
Allow null in resolvers:
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript'],
       config: {
         maybeValue: 'T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? Promise<U | null> : T | null'
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Adds undefined as a possible type for query variables

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file.ts': {
       plugins: ['typescript'],
       config: {
         allowUndefinedQueryVariables: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: true

Uses primitive types where possible. Set to false in order to use Pick and take use the types generated by typescript plugin.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         preResolveTypes: false
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Avoid adding __typename for root types. This is ignored when a selection explicitly specifies __typename.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         skipTypeNameForRoot: true
 export default config;


type: string default: (empty)

Adds a suffix to generated operation result type names


type: boolean default: false

Set this configuration to true if you wish to make sure to remove duplicate operation name suffix.


type: boolean default: false

Set this configuration to true if you wish to disable auto add suffix of operation name, like Query, Mutation, Subscription, Fragment.


type: boolean default: false

If set to true, it will export the sub-types created in order to make it easier to access fields declared under fragment spread.


type: boolean default: false

If set to true, it will enable support for parsing variables on fragments.


type: boolean default: false

If set to true, merge equal fragment interfaces.


type: boolean

Adds _ to generated Args types in order to avoid duplicate identifiers.

Usage Examples

With Custom Values
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         addUnderscoreToArgsType: true
 export default config;


type: EnumValuesMap

Overrides the default value of enum values declared in your GraphQL schema. You can also map the entire enum to an external type by providing a string that of module#type.

Usage Examples

With Custom Values
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         enumValues: {
           MyEnum: {
             A: 'foo'
 export default config;
With External Enum
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         enumValues: {
           MyEnum: './my-file#MyCustomEnum',
 export default config;
Import All Enums from a file
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         enumValues: {
           MyEnum: './my-file',
 export default config;


type: DeclarationKindConfig | string (values: abstract class, class, interface, type)

Overrides the default output for various GraphQL elements.

Usage Examples

Override all declarations
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         declarationKind: 'interface'
 export default config;
Override only specific declarations
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         declarationKind: {
           type: 'interface',
           input: 'interface'
 export default config;


type: boolean default: true

Allow you to disable prefixing for generated enums, works in combination with typesPrefix.

Usage Examples

Disable enum prefixes
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         typesPrefix: 'I',
         enumPrefix: false
 export default config;


type: boolean default: true

Allow you to disable suffixing for generated enums, works in combination with typesSuffix.

Usage Examples

Disable enum suffixes
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         typesSuffix: 'I',
         enumSuffix: false
 export default config;


type: string default: T

Allow you to add wrapper for field type, use T as the generic value. Make sure to set wrapFieldDefinitions to true in order to make this flag work.

Usage Examples

Allow Promise
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         wrapFieldDefinitions: true,
         fieldWrapperValue: 'T | Promise<T>',
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Set to true in order to wrap field definitions with FieldWrapper. This is useful to allow return types such as Promises and functions.

Usage Examples

Enable wrapping fields
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         wrapFieldDefinitions: true,
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

This will cause the generator to emit types for enums only

Usage Examples

Override all definition types
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         onlyEnums: true,
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

This will cause the generator to emit types for operations only (basically only enums and scalars)

Usage Examples

Override all definition types
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         onlyOperationTypes: true,
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

This will cause the generator to ignore enum values defined in GraphQLSchema

Usage Examples

Ignore enum values from schema
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         ignoreEnumValuesFromSchema: true,
 export default config;


type: boolean default: true

Set to true in order to wrap field definitions with EntireFieldWrapper. This is useful to allow return types such as Promises and functions for fields. Differs from wrapFieldDefinitions in that this wraps the entire field definition if i.e. the field is an Array, while wrapFieldDefinitions will wrap every single value inside the array.


type: string default: T | Promise<T> | (() => T | Promise<T>)

Allow to override the type value of EntireFieldWrapper. This wrapper applies outside of Array and Maybe unlike fieldWrapperValue, that will wrap the inner type.


type: DirectiveArgumentAndInputFieldMappings

Replaces a GraphQL scalar with a custom type based on the applied directive on an argument or input field.

You can use both module#type and module#namespace#type syntax. Will NOT work with introspected schemas since directives are not exported. Only works with directives on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION or INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION.

WARNING: Using this option does only change the type definitions.

For actually ensuring that a type is correct at runtime you will have to use schema transforms (e.g. with @graphql-tools/utils mapSchema) that apply those rules! Otherwise, you might end up with a runtime type mismatch which could cause unnoticed bugs or runtime errors.

Please use this configuration option with care!

Usage Examples

Custom Context Type\
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         directiveArgumentAndInputFieldMappings: {
           AsNumber: 'number',
           AsComplex: './my-models#Complex',
 export default config;


type: string

Adds a suffix to the imported names to prevent name clashes.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         directiveArgumentAndInputFieldMappings: 'Model'
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Makes scalars strict.

If scalars are found in the schema that are not defined in scalars an error will be thrown during codegen.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         strictScalars: true,
 export default config;


type: string default: any

Allows you to override the type that unknown scalars will have.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         defaultScalarType: 'unknown'
 export default config;


type: ScalarsMap_1

Extends or overrides the built-in scalars and custom GraphQL scalars to a custom type.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         scalars: {
           ID: {
             input: 'string',
             output: 'string | number'
           DateTime: 'Date',
           JSON: '{ [key: string]: any }',
 export default config;


type: NamingConvention_1 default: change-case-all#pascalCase

Allow you to override the naming convention of the output. You can either override all namings, or specify an object with specific custom naming convention per output. The format of the converter must be a valid module#method. Allowed values for specific output are: typeNames, enumValues. You can also use “keep” to keep all GraphQL names as-is. Additionally, you can set transformUnderscore to true if you want to override the default behavior, which is to preserve underscores.

Available case functions in change-case-all are camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, dotCase, headerCase, noCase, paramCase, pascalCase, pathCase, sentenceCase, snakeCase, lowerCase, localeLowerCase, lowerCaseFirst, spongeCase, titleCase, upperCase, localeUpperCase and upperCaseFirst See more

Usage Examples

Override All Names
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         namingConvention: 'change-case-all#lowerCase',
 export default config;
Upper-case enum values
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         namingConvention: {
           typeNames: 'change-case-all#pascalCase',
           enumValues: 'change-case-all#upperCase',
 export default config;
Keep names as is
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
        namingConvention: 'keep',
 export default config;
Remove Underscores
 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         namingConvention: {
           typeNames: 'change-case-all#pascalCase',
           transformUnderscore: true
 export default config;


type: string default: (empty)

Prefixes all the generated types.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         typesPrefix: 'I',
 export default config;


type: string default: (empty)

Suffixes all the generated types.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         typesSuffix: 'I',
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Does not add __typename to the generated types, unless it was specified in the selection set.

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         skipTypename: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Automatically adds __typename field to the generated types, even when they are not specified in the selection set, and makes it non-optional

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         nonOptionalTypename: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Will use import type {} rather than import {} when importing only types. This gives compatibility with TypeScript’s “importsNotUsedAsValues”: “error” option

Usage Examples

 import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
 const config: CodegenConfig = {
   // ...
   generates: {
     'path/to/file': {
       // plugins...
       config: {
         useTypeImports: true
 export default config;


type: boolean default: false

Removes fragment duplicates for reducing data transfer. It is done by removing sub-fragments imports from fragment definition Instead - all of them are imported to the Operation node.


type: string default: inline

Whether fragment types should be inlined into other operations. “inline” is the default behavior and will perform deep inlining fragment types within operation type definitions. “combine” is the previous behavior that uses fragment type references without inlining the types (and might cause issues with deeply nested fragment that uses list types).


type: boolean default: true

Emit legacy common js imports. Default it will be true this way it ensure that generated code works with non-compliant bundlers.


type: boolean default: false

Extract all field types to their own types, instead of inlining them. This helps to reduce type duplication, and makes type errors more readable. It can also significantly reduce the size of the generated code, the generation time, and the typechecking time.


type: boolean default: false

If you prefer to have each field in generated types printed on a new line, set this to true. This can be useful for improving readability of the resulting types, without resorting to running tools like Prettier on the output.