Announcing self-hosted GraphQL Hive

It has been five months since we launched GraphQL Hive and one year since we first announced GraphQL Hive, and it has been a wild ride since then!
GraphQL Hive is our schema registry solution for continuously evolving your GraphQL schema backed by performance insights and usage statistics. Whether you are working in a small company with a single GraphQL service or a big multi-team company with multiple (federated or composed) GraphQL services, GraphQL Hive is the perfect tool to help you manage your GraphQL schema.
We first were surprised but also excited about the amount of interest from companies of all sizes and industries and individuals from all over the world in GraphQL Hive. We are so grateful for all the support, contributions and feedback we received so far from external contributors and are looking forward to a bright future!
Aside from the diverse range of companies that are already successfully using our hosted GraphQL Hive version, a lot of companies have been asking us whether it is possible to host your own GraphQL Hive instance!
Since the beginning of the project, we had a different vision for SaaS and community editions of GraphQL Hive compared to traditional SaaS products. Instead of only open-sourcing a small portion of the whole stack we always wanted to open-source the full stack and make it easy for anyone to host their own instance of GraphQL Hive.
Today, we are happy to announce that we have reached this milestone and spinning up your first
GraphQL Hive instance is as easy as running a single command! All you need is docker
installed on your machine.
Head over to our GraphQL Hive documentation for getting started!
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