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DocumentationSelf-HostingTelemetry / Error Reporting

Telemetry / Error Handling

When self-hosting Hive, you can enable telemetry to help us understand how Hive is being used and how we can improve it. Telemetry is disabled by default.

By default, all services emits OpenTelemetry traces, except for the usage service. To enable this service, you need to set the OPENTELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT=... environment variable explicitly for this service.

OpenTelemetry Traces

Prepare your OpenTelemetry Backend

To enable OpenTelemetry traces for your Hive instance, start by running a OpenTelemetry Collector (or, a compatible service that can process OTLP traces, like DataDog or Jaeger).

Hive supports sending traces to OTLP backend over HTTP protocol (port 4318) only.

To setup a test OpenTelemetry Collector locally, you can use the following configuration file and script to run it as a Docker image that just prints the received traces:

receivers: otlp: protocols: http: grpc: processors: batch: exporters: logging: loglevel: debug extensions: health_check: {} service: extensions: [health_check] pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp] processors: [batch] exporters: [logging]

Run the collector:

docker run \ -v "${PWD}/otel-local-config.yaml":/otel-local-config.yaml \ -p 4318:4318 \ -p 4317:4317 \ otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib \ --config otel-local-config.yaml

Alternatively, you can use these following instructions for running a Grafana with Tempo service locally using Docker. In that case, use OPENTELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:4318/v1/traces" as the OTLP endpoint.

Configure Hive to send traces to the OTLP Collector

To instruct Hive to send traces to the OTLP Collector, you need to set the following environment variable:


OpenTelemetry Metrics

Hive supports exposing metrics in Prometheus format, using the scrapping technique.

To enable metrics, you need to set the following environment variable:


You should now configure your Prometheus server to scrape the metrics from Hive, using the 10254 port and /metrics endpoint for each service.

Please check the README file of each service for additional configuration options.

Sentry Error Reporting

Hive supports error reporting to Sentry, a popular error tracking service.

To enable Sentry error reporting, start by gathering your Sentry DSN.

Then, set the following environment variables:

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