Preflight Scripts

These scripts allow you to automatically run custom authentication processes before executing your GraphQL operations. They’re especially useful for handling authentication flows like OAuth, where you may need to refresh an access token. Let’s explore how it works.

Configuring Preflight Script

To create a script click on the command line icon (right after Operation Collections plugin icon) in GraphiQL sidebar section.

Command line icon
The preflight script is accessible by clicking on the Command line icon in the GraphiQL sidebar

You will see Script editor (JavaScript language) which is read-only and present for a quick view of your saved script and Environment variables editor (JSON language) which is persistent in localStorage.

Preflight script plugin view

Editing Preflight Script

Clicking on the Edit button will open Modal where you can edit, test and save your script in database.


Note: Your script will stored as plain text in our database, don’t put any secrets there, use Environment variables editor for it! The preflight script is accessible to all members of your organization, but only users with access to target Settings can edit the script code.

You can use any JavaScript syntax (including top-level await) in the Script editor. Getting and Setting environment variables is done by accessing the environment property on the lab global variable.

// get myKey variable from the Environment variables editor
// set myKey variable to the Environment variables editor (persistent in localStorage)
lab.environment.set('myKey', myValue)
Demo how to get and set environment variables


Additionally, you can access the CryptoJS library by accessing the CryptoJS property on the lab global variable.


Global Variables and Errors

Access to global variables such as this, window or globalThis is restricted. Errors thrown by the script will be displayed in Console Output.

Demo restricted access to global variables

Using Environment Variables

To use your environment variables in GraphiQL headers editor wraps environment keys with double-curly braces, e.g.:

  "Authorization": "Bearer {{myEnvVar}}"
Replace syntax in action
Replace syntax is done via double open/closed curly braces, e.g. {{ myEnvVar }}