Other Features
Response Caching

Response Caching

GraphQL Response Caching is a feature that allows you to cache the response of a GraphQL query. This is useful when you want to reduce the number of requests to your sources. For example, if you have a GraphQL query that fetches a list of products, you can cache the response of this query so that the next time the same query is made, the response is fetched from the cache instead of making a request to the underlying sources.


You need to set your cache storage in your gateway configuration to enable response caching. See Cache Storage for more information.

How to use?

import { defineConfig } from '@graphql-hive/gateway'
export const gatewayConfig = defineConfig({
  responseCaching: {
    // global cache
    session: () => null

After starting the server we can execute a GraphQL Query operation, that selects the Query.slow field.

Execute slow GraphQL Query Operation with cUrl
curl -X POST http://localhost:4000/graphql \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "query" : "{ slow }" }' \
  -w '\nTotal time : %{time_total}'

The output will look similar to the following:

Initial Request time
{"data":{"slow":"I am slow."}}
Total time:5.026632

After executing the same curl statement a second time, the duration is significantly lower.

Cached Request time
{"data":{"slow":"I am slow."}}
Total time:0.007571%


The behaviour of this plugin can be configured by passing an object at the gateway level or by using @cacheControl directive at schema defintion level.

The @cacheControl directive can be used to give to subgraphs the control over the cache behavior for the fields and types they are defining. You can add this directive during composition.

Session based caching

If your GraphQL API returns specific data depending on the viewer’s session, you can use the session option to cache the response per session. Usually, the session is determined by an HTTP header, e.g. an user id within the encoded access token.


Don’t forget to validate the authentication token before using it as a session key. Allowing cached responses to be returned with unverified tokens can lead to data leaks.

Please see the Authorization/Auhtentication section for more information.

import { defineConfig } from '@graphql-hive/gateway'
export const gatewayConfig = defineConfig({
  responseCaching: {
    // cache based on the authentication header
    session: request => request.headers.get('authentication')

Enforce session based caching

In some cases, a type or a field should only be cached if their is a session. For this, you can use the scope to indicate that the cache should only be used if a session is present.

This can be useful to prevent exposure of sensitive data to unauthorized users.

Response Cache configuration with scope
    responseCaching: {
  // cache based on the authentication header
  session: request => request.headers.get('authentication')
  // You can use configuration object to define the scope
  scopePerSchemaCoordinate: {
    '': 'PRIVATE', // on a field
    User: 'PRIVATE', // or a type

Group based caching

The session option can also be used to cache responses based for a group of users. This can be useful if data exposed by your API is the same for a group of users sharing the same characteristic.

For example, if data returned by an API is always the same for every users with the same role, you can use the role as a session key.

Role based caching
  responseCaching: {
    session: request => request.headers.get('x-user-role')

Time to Live (TTL)

By default, all cached operations are stored indefinitely. This can lead to stale data being returned.

It is possible to give cached operations a time to live. Either globally, based on schema coordinates or object types.

If a query operation result contains multiple objects of the same or different types, the lowest TTL is picked.

Response Cache configuration with TTL
  responseCaching: {
    session: () => null,
    // by default cache all operations for 2 seconds
    ttl: 2_000,
    ttlPerSchemaCoordinate: {
      // only cache query operations containing User for 500ms
      User: 500
      // cache operations selecting Query.lazy for 10 seconds
      'Query.lazy': 10_000

Control which responses are cached

By default, all successful operations influences the cache.

You can globaly disable caching using the enabled option. This can be useful for local development.

Disabling caching
  responseCaching: {
    session: request => null,
    enabled: () => process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development'

Ingore a specific request

You can entirely disable caching (both caching and invalidation) for a specific request by using the enabled option.

Be aware that this means that if the response contains entities that are part of other cached responses, those responses will not be invalidated.

Disabling caching for a specific request
  responseCaching: {
    session: request => null,
    enabled: request => request.headers.get('x-no-cache') !== 'true'

Disable caching of specific types and fields

Some types or fields contains data that should never be cached. For example, a field that returns the current time.

You can disable caching for specific types or fields by setting it’s TTL to 0. This will prevent the response from being cached, but will not prevent cache invalidation for other entities contained in the response.

Disabling caching for a specific type
responseCaching: {
  session: request => null,
  ttlPerSchemaCoordinate: {
    // for a entire type
    Date: 0
    // for a specific field
    'Query.time': 0

Invalidations via Mutation

When executing a mutation operation the cached query results that contain type entities within the Mutation result will be automatically be invalidated.

GraphQL mutation operation
mutation UpdateUser {
  updateUser(id: 1, newName: "John") {
GraphQL operation execution result
  "data": {
    "updateLaunch": {
      "__typename": "User",
      "id": "1",
      "name": "John"

For the given GraphQL operation and execution result, all cached query results that contain the type User with the id 1 will be invalidated.

This behavior can be disabled by setting the invalidateViaMutation option to false.

Disabling mutation invalidation
  responseCaching: {
    session: request => null,
    invalidateViaMutation: false

Entity identity

Automatic cache invalidation works by instpecting the result of each query and mutation operations, and keeping track of the entities that are part of it.

By default, the identity of entities is based on the id field.

You can customize the identity field by setting the idFields options.

Customizing entity identity
  responseCaching: {
    session: request => null,
    idFields: ['id', 'email']
type User {
  email: String!
  username: String!
  profile: Profile!
type Profile {
  id: ID!
  bio: String
  picture: String

In this example, User’s identity will be based on email field, and Profile’s identity will be based on id field.

HTTP Caching

Response Caching plugin sends ETag headers to the client, and respects If-None-Match headers in the HTTP request.

If the client sends an If-None-Match header with the same value as the ETag header, the server will respond with a 304 Not Modified status code without any content, which allows you to reduce the server load.

Most of the browsers and some HTTP clients support this behavior, so you can use it to improve the performance of your frontend application.

Learn more about ETag and If-None-Match headers.

Example with curl

First we send a request to the GraphQL server, and we can see that the response contains the headers

Get ETag and Last-Modified headers
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  "http://localhost:4000/graphql?query={me{id name}}" -v

Then the server will respond a data something the following with the ETag and Last-Modified headers:

  • ETag is the key that is used to identify the cached response.
  • Last-Modified is used to determine if the cached response is still valid.
Response with ETag and Last-Modified headers
> GET /graphql?query={me{id,name}} HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:4000
> User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
> Accept: application/json
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< content-length: 130
< content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< etag: 2c0ebfe7b2b0273029f2fa23a99d213b56f4838756b3ef7b323c04de1e836be3
< last-modified: Wed Feb 15 2023 15:23:55 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)
< Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 12:23:55 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
< Keep-Alive: timeout=5

In the next calls, we can use the ETag header as the If-None-Match header together with Last-Modified header as If-Modified-Since to check if the cached response is still valid.

Use the headers to check if the cached response is still valid
curl -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "If-None-Match: 2c0ebfe7b2b0273029f2fa23a99d213b56f4838756b3ef7b323c04de1e836be3" \
  -H "If-Modified-Since: Wed Feb 15 2023 15:23:55 GMT" \
  "http://localhost:4000/graphql?query=\{me\{id,name\}\}" -v

Then the server will return 304: Not Modified status code with no content.