Get started with Apollo Federation
Once you’ve created a Hive project of type Federation, you can start pushing your GraphQL Federation subgraph schemas to the Hive registry.
Learn more about GraphQL federation and its benefits.
This guide will walk you through the basics of schema pushing, checking, and spin up the Hive Gateway serving the federated GraphQL schema.
For this guide, we are going to use the following Subgraphs that we are going to publish to Hive.
Note: If you want you can also use your own subgraphs instead of the ones we provide.
- users.graphql
- products.graphql
- reviews.graphql
We provide the actual URLs for these running subgraphs, so we can later on send some real GraphQL requests with our federation gateway.
- Users:
- Products:
- Reviews:
Here’s the GraphQL schema (SDL) for every subgraph we are going to publish to Hive. Save these to files on your machine.
extend type Query {
me: User
user(id: ID!): User
users: [User]
type User @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String
username: String
Hive CLI setup
As you may have noticed, Hive has created three targets under your project: development
, and production
. Each of these targets represent a different environment. You can remove
or create new targets as needed, for modelling the different environments of your project.

For this guide we will use the development
In order to publish our subgraph schemas to the schema registry, we first need to create an registry access token with the necessary permissions for the Hive CLI.
Select the development
target under your Hive project and then choose the Settings tab. On the
Settings screen, you can manage your target’s settings and access tokens.

Under the Registry Access Tokens section, click the Create new registry token button. Give your access token a name and select Read & Write for the permissions:

Click on Generate Token button and you should get your CLI token created, with permissions to publish GraphQL schemas.

Make sure to copy your token and keep it safe. You won’t be able to see it again.
Publish subgraphs
Now that you have your access token, and you have the base schema defined, you can publish your schema to the registry.
We’ll start with the Users subgraph.
If you did not yet copy the contents of the subgraphs/users.graphql
to a local file, you can do so
Run the following command in your terminal, to publish your subgraphs/users.graphql
to the
registry. Replace <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>
with the access token we just created.
hive schema:publish \
--registry.accessToken "<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>" \
--service="users" \
--url="" \
--author "John Doe" \
--commit "First Version" \
If everything goes well, you should see the following output, containing a link pointing you to the schema version on the Hive dashboard.
✔ Published initial schema.
If you’ll get to your target’s page on Hive dashboard, you should see that it was updated with the new schema you just published 🎉

You should also check out the Explorer tab: you can see the schema you just published, and explore the API types, fields, and arguments.
Next, we will publish the Products subgraph schema to Hive. Again, let’s start by copying the schema to a local file.
hive schema:publish \
--registry.accessToken YOUR_TOKEN_HERE \
--service="products" \
--url="" \
--author "John Doe" \
--commit "Second Version" \
If everything goes well, you should see the following output:
✔ Schema published
After the publish process, if we had over to the Hive dashboard, we can see our new schema version published.

Last, we will publish the Reviews subgraph schema to Hive. Again, let’s start by copying the schema to a local file.
Then, we run the following command in your terminal.
hive schema:publish \
--registry.accessToken YOUR_TOKEN_HERE \
--service="reviews" \
--url="" \
--author "John Doe" \
--commit "My second commit" \
Again, if everything goes well, you should see the following output:
✔ Schema published
On your target’s Explorer page now, you’ll be able to see the schema of all three subgraphs 🎉

Congratulations on publishing and composing your first subgraphs with the Hive schema registry!
Hive Gateway
The next step is to spin up our GraphQL gateway that will serve the federated GraphQL schema composed out of the subgraphs we published to the Hive schema registry.
The Gateway will delegate the requests from the clients to the appropriate subgraph services, and then merge the results into a single response.
The Hive schema registry publishes the supergraph (artifact of the composed schemas that contains all the information about the subgraphs and fields available) to the high-availability CDN on Cloudflare.
The gateway can poll the supergraph from the CDN and serve the composed GraphQL schema.
CDN Access
For accessing the supergraph, we need to create the CDN access token from the Hive dashboard.
Navigate to your target’s settings page and select the CDN Tokens tab.

Click the Create new CDN token button, give your token a name and click Create.

There will be a confirmation screen showing the CDN token you just created. Make sure to copy it and keep it safe.

Run the Gateway
Hive Gateway is the Federation Gateway that seamlessly integrates with the Hive registry. You can run Hive Gateay either as a Docker image, binary or NPM package.
The single executable binary for the Hive Gateway is available without any dependencies. You can download and setup the binary on your machine.
curl -sSL | sh
Then you can run the Hive Gateway with the following command.
hive-gateway supergraph \
"<hive_cdn_endpoint>" \
--hive-cdn-key "<hive_cdn_access_key>"
Parameter | Description |
hive_cdn_endpoint | The endpoint of your Hive target |
hive_cdn_access_key | The Hive CDN access key |
If you now navigate to http://localhost:4000
, you should see the Hive Gateway page with
information about the supergraph and subgraphs.

Now, if you navigate to http://localhost:4000/graphql
, you should see the GraphiQL interface where
you can write and execute queries against the supergraph.

Here you can execute GraphQL operations against the supergraph, which will be delegate to the single subgraph services.
Here is a sample query to execute:
query TopProductsWithReview {
topProducts(first: 2) {
reviews {
author {
Execute Query on Hive Gateway GraphiQL
Usage reporting
Up next let’s report the usage from our gateway to the registry, so we can see on the dashboard how the API is being used.
For this, we simply provide a usage reporting token in addition to our CDN access token. For this guide, we can simply re-use the registry token we already use for the CLI.
hive-gateway supergraph \
"<hive_cdn_endpoint>" \
--hive-cdn-key "<hive_cdn_access_key>" \
--hive-registry-token "<hive_registry_token>"
Parameter | Description |
<hive_cdn_endpoint> | The endpoint of your Hive target |
<hive_cdn_access_key> | The Hive CDN access key |
<hive_registry_token> | The Hive registry token for usage reporting |
After starting the gateway with the usage reporting token, we can no execute some queries using the gateways built-in GraphiQL interface.
query TopProductsWithReview {
topProducts(first: 2) {
reviews {
author {
Execute Query on Hive Gateway GraphiQL
After executing the query, a few times, let’s switch back to the Hive dashboard and navigate to the insights page.

Here we can now see the GraphQL operations from our Gateway being reported to the registry.
Schema checks
Hive can perform several checks on your schema before publishing it to the registry. You can use Hive CLI to run these check and find potential breaking changes or composition issues.
To see how schema checks works, let’s make a small change to our local schema file. First, we’ll
start with a non-breaking change - we’ll add a new field to the Review
type under the Reviews
type Review @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
body: String
author: User @provides(fields: "username")
product: Product
verified: Boolean # new field added
extend type User @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID! @external
username: String @external
reviews: [Review]
extend type Product @key(fields: "upc") {
upc: String! @external
reviews: [Review]
Now, run the Hive CLI with the schema:check
command and your modified subgraphs/reviews.graphql
hive schema:check \
--registry.accessToken YOUR_TOKEN_HERE \
--service="reviews" \
You should see that Hive successfully detect the change you made, and exists with a 0
exit code,
meaning that the schema is compatible, valid and has no breaking changes:
ℹ Detected 1 change
- Field verified was added to object type Review
Now, are going to try introduce a breaking change. To do that, we’ll rename an existing field in the GraphQL schema of the Reviews subgraph:
type Review @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
bodyContents: String # renamed from body
author: User @provides(fields: "username")
product: Product
extend type User @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID! @external
username: String @external
reviews: [Review]
extend type Product @key(fields: "upc") {
upc: String! @external
reviews: [Review]
hive schema:check \
--registry.accessToken YOUR_TOKEN_HERE \
--service="reviews" \
In that case, you’ll notice that Hive CLI exists with a 1
exit code, meaning that the schema has
breaking changes, and it’s not compatible with the current schema in the registry:
✖ Detected 1 error
- Breaking Change: Field rating was removed from object type Review
ℹ Detected 2 changes
- Field rating was removed from object type Review
- Field averageRating was added to object type Review
In addition to detecting simple breaking changes, Hive is capable of detecting composability and compatibility issues across your subgraphs. To see how it works, let’s make a small change to our schema.
We are going to add a conflict to the Reviews service. We are going to add a new field (price
to the Product
type, that conflicts with the Products
type in the Products service.
type Review @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
body: String
author: User @provides(fields: "username")
product: Product
extend type User @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID! @external
username: String @external
reviews: [Review]
extend type Product @key(fields: "upc") {
upc: String! @external
reviews: [Review]
price: String # type conflicts with the products subgraph
Run the Hive CLI with the schema:check
command again and the modified subgraphs/reviews.graphql
hive schema:check \
--registry.accessToken YOUR_TOKEN_HERE \
--service="reviews" \
And now you can see that the schema check process has failed, due to conflicts and inconsistencies between the schemas:
✖ Detected 2 errors
- Breaking Change: Field Product.price changed type from Price to Int
- [reviews] Product.price - Product.price already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type extension. If this is meant to be an external field, add the $(@external) directive. > Field
ℹ Detected 1 change
- Field Product.price changed type from Price to Int
As you can see schema checks can help you to catch potential issues before you publish your schema to the registry.
Usually, you would run these checks in your subgraphs CI pipeline, to ensure that your subgraph schema integrates flawlessly with the other subgraphs in the federation project, where schema publishes are made within the Continious Deployment (CD) pipeline to actually publish the latest subgraph version to the schema registry.
Next Steps
Congratulations on publishing your first subgraph schemas to the Hive schema registry, composing your supergraph, spinning up your own Federation Gateway serving the unified GraphQL schema and reporting the usage data!
From here you can continue to explore the Hive dashboard, or dive deeper into the documentation to learn about all the features of the Hive platform.