The other day I was wondering which GraphQL client library to use for my personal project.
Apollo-Client is a powerful GraphQL client, but many of its features don’t fit my use-case very well, making it a useless treasure.
So I tried combining graphql-request with SWR (React Hooks library for data fetching), and the bundle size was about 1/3 of the Apollo-Client combined with these two libraries, and I had the best experience of using the advanced features of SWR!
One thing was still missing: it’s hard to manually write a SWR fetcher every time…
Based on the above experience, I have created a GraphQL Code Generator plugin called graphql-codegen-plugin-typescript-swr that facilitates the combination of graphql-request and SWR, and published it to NPM!
Seeing is believing, so let’s first look at an example of the code generated by this plugin:
export function getSdkWithHooks(
client: GraphQLClient,
withWrapper: SdkFunctionWrapper = defaultWrapper
) {
const sdk = getSdk(client, withWrapper)
return {
key: SWRKeyInterface,
variables: GetPostQueryVariables,
config?: SWRConfigInterface<GetPostQuery>
) {
return useSWR<GetPostQuery>(key, () => sdk.GetPost(variables), config)
The code above is using the SWR plugin, in combination with
This way, a wrapper function is generated for each GraphQL operation (query/mutation/subscription).
The generated function uses the base code from the typescript-graphql-request plugin, and it
uses useSWR to execute the actual request, so the user can get the same result as useSWR
simply entering the query key, variables, and options in the component!
const sdk = getSdkWithHooks(new GraphQLClient(API_URL, options))
const PostPage = ({ slug }) => {
const { data, mutate, error } = sdk.useGetPost(
{ slug },
{ refreshInterval: 60 }
return <Post post={} />
To get started, start by installing graphql-codegen-plugin-typescript-swr
in addition to the
@graphql-codegen packages:
npm i -D @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations @graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request graphql-codegen-plugin-typescript-swr
Then configure codegen.yml
overwrite: true
documents: './api/my-graph-api/**/*.graphql'
- typescript
- typescript-operations
- typescript-graphql-request
- plugin-typescript-swr
# If you have a query that you want to use `useSWRInfinite`, list it in Options
- GetPost
DateTime: string
JSON: unknown
Upload: unknown
Time: string
Date: string
Long: number
The final graphql-codegen
command will generate a set of types and SDKs in no time:
npx graphql-codegen
The repository readme contains specific use cases and more examples, and documentation for the available configurations.
Last but Not Least
Thanks to Urigo for providing a place to write an introduction to my Codegen plugin!
I would appreciate it if you could use it and give me feedback.