Getting the Best of TypeScript and GraphQL: Union Types

Tuval Simha


The combination of TypeScript and GraphQL can be very powerful. Both TypeScript and GraphQL support the concept of discriminated unions. In this short blog post, I want to share my last project experience and share one of the most powerful methods to create stronger types using TypeScript and GraphQL.

One of my assumptions in this blog post is that you know some TypeScript. If you don’t, you can check out “Basic Types” handbook. So, let’s talk a little bit about TypeScript union types, one of the most remarkable features of this language.

What Is a Union Type in TypeScript?

So TypeScript language is based on a type system. TypeScript union operator can be used to define a variable that can hold multiple data types: integer or number, character, string, float, etc.

Here you can find a basic example:

let pizzaLover: string | boolean // pizzaLover can be a string or boolean type
pizzaLover = 'YES' // string type
pizzaLover = true // boolean type

Here’s a live example in TS Playground

How to Use Union Types in TypeScript

TypeScript can also be used to combine complex types such as interfaces. You can think about one type that contains some others types. Here is a simple example that combines 2 types: Sushi and Pizza, both of them can be united into one type by the name Food.

type Sushi = {
  kind: 'Sushi'
  fish: string
  amount: number
type Pizza = {
  kind: 'Pizza'
  topping: string
  amount: number
type Food = Sushi | Pizza

Here’s a live example in TS Playground

And another Union type example, this time with string and string:

type PizzaAddons = 'olives' | 'mushrooms' | 'pepperoni'
const myPreference: PizzaAddons = 'olives' // ok
const myPreference: PizzaAddons = 'pineapple' // error

Here’s a live example in TS Playground

GraphQL Union and TypeScript Union Type

GraphQL is a query language that is used to define the API of a server. Like TypeScript or even Go language, GraphQL supports union and interface types. The type system is one of its core principles and we can use it to make type-safe API calls. The goal is to use it to propagate our backend types to the frontend. When I started to learn TypeScript, I found myself making lots of type errors and annoying misspellings. These errors became more frequent as the project grew. The best solution for that situation was to add type-safety based on a GraphQL schema.

A GraphQL schema can return one of the multiple object types thanks to the Union or Interface keywords. Like TypeScript, we can declare which object types are included in the union:

union Menu = Pizza | Sushi

Let’s see a basic example schema that defines a Menu union type that can return either a Pizza or Sushi:

union Menu = Pizza | Sushi
type Pizza {
  title: String!
  topping: String
type Sushi {
  name: String!
  fish: String
type Query {
  menu: [Menu!]

After we declare our types in GraphQL and create a union type to return some of the other types, we can generate TypeScript types from the GraphQL schema and use them in the frontend.

How to Use GraphQL Codegen to Generate Code and Deal with TypeScript Union Types

First of all, you are more than welcome to explore all the plugins of GraphQL Codegen. GraphQL Code Generator Like we did in the previous example, let’s talk about getting the data typed safely in the front.

First, let’s create our GetFullMenu query as follows:

(in this case, I’ll use the react-query example)

const menuQuery = gql`
  query GetFullMenu {
    menu {
  fragment SomeSushi on Sushi {
  fragment SomePizza on Pizza {

Get the Menu type from the schema with the query, so we will be able to get the objects inside the Menu.

const Menu = () => {
  const { data } = useQuery<MenuQuery>('menu', async () => {
    const { menu } = await request(endpoint, menuQuery)
    return menu


  • I hope this blog post helped you to better understand TypeScript unions and GraphQL unions and the way to use them in your project.

  • We can create Union and Interface types in both TypeScript and GraphQL, which helps us to better define the API of a server and use it in our client.

  • A static type check can help safeguard your application. Especially in large-scale applications.

  • When you use type-safe GraphQL, it helps you to eliminate existing errors like misspellings and errors.

  • In this brief blog post, we looked at a few features of TypeScript that help you on code-time, most help you to understand the output of any function you create.

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