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Persisted Documents Support for Apollo Router

Dotan Simha

We’re excited to announce that the App Deployments feature is now available for Apollo Router!

App Deployments / Persisted Documents

App Deployments (persisted documents) are a way to group and publish your GraphQL operations as a single app version to the Hive Registry. This allows you to keep track of your different app versions, their operations usage, and performance.

Pending App Deployment

How to use App Deployments with Apollo Router

To use App Deployments with Apollo Router, follow the installation instructions, and use the latest image version (router1.58.0-plugin1.1.0) of the custom build of Apollo Router.

Push your GraphQL operations to the App Deployments store, and then configure Apollo-Router with the hive.persisted_documents plugin:

# ... the rest of your configuration plugins: hive.usage: {} hive.persisted_documents: enabled: true

To learn more about App Deployments and how to use them with Apollo Router, check out the following resources:

Last updated on