Integration with Fastify
Fastify is one of the popular HTTP server frameworks for Node.js. It is a very simple, yet powerful framework that is easy to learn and use. You can easily integrate GraphQL Yoga with Fastify.
So you can benefit from the powerful plugins of Fastify ecosystem with GraphQL Yoga. See the ecosystem
npm i fastify graphql-yoga graphql
import fastify, { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from 'fastify'
import { createYoga } from 'graphql-yoga'
// This is the fastify instance you have created
const app = fastify({ logger: true })
const yoga = createYoga<{
req: FastifyRequest
reply: FastifyReply
// Integrate Fastify logger
logging: {
debug: (...args) => args.forEach(arg => app.log.debug(arg)),
info: (...args) => args.forEach(arg =>,
warn: (...args) => args.forEach(arg => app.log.warn(arg)),
error: (...args) => args.forEach(arg => app.log.error(arg))
* We pass the incoming HTTP request to GraphQL Yoga
* and handle the response using Fastify's `reply` API
* Learn more about `reply`
// Bind to the Yoga's endpoint to avoid rendering on any path
url: yoga.graphqlEndpoint,
method: ['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS'],
handler: (req, reply) =>
yoga.handleNodeRequestAndResponse(req, reply, {
app.listen({ port: 4000 })
Add dummy content type parser for File Uploads
Fastify needs to be aware of GraphQL Yoga will handle multipart/form-data
requests because
otherwise it will throw an error something like Unsupported media type
// This will allow Fastify to forward multipart requests to GraphQL Yoga
app.addContentTypeParser('multipart/form-data', {}, (req, payload, done) => done(null))
You can also check a full example on our GitHub repository here
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