This is the documentation for the old GraphQL Yoga v2.
We recommend
upgrading to the latest GraphQL Yoga v5. Migrate to GraphQL Yoga
Other Environments
If you have a different environment that you want to integrate with, you can implement your middleware/handler like the example below.
GraphQL Yoga understands WHATWG Request
object to consume your HTTP request. So you need an adapter implementation between your environment and WHATWG standard objects.
import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/common'
import { Request } from '@whatwg-node/fetch' // or fetch-like library
const yoga = createServer<MyRandomCtx>()
export async function myMiddleware(req: MyRandomRequest, ctx: MyRandomCtx) {
// req.url is a full url here not a relative path
const request = new Request(req.url, {
method: req.method,
headers: req.headers,
body: req.body // req.body should be a valid BodyInit like an AsyncIterable, a ReadableStream, a Node.js Readable, a string or a Buffer etc...
// Second parameter becomes your server context
const response = await yoga.handleRequest(req, ctx)
// response is a WHATWG `Response` object
// Create a headers object for your middleware response
const headersObj: any = {}
response.headers.forEach((value, key) => {
headersObj[key] = value
// Let's say your environment needs to return something like the below;
return {
statusCode: response.status,
body: response.body,
// static responses will disable subscriptions
// body: await response.text() If it accepts a string
// body: await response.json() If it accepts a json
// body: response.body if it accepts a ReadableStream or an AsyncIterable
// body: Readable.from(response.body) if it accepts a Node.js Readable
headers: headersObj // We assume that your environments accepts a regular JS object for response headers