This is the documentation for the old GraphQL Yoga v2.
We recommend
upgrading to the latest GraphQL Yoga v5. Migrate to GraphQL Yoga
A GraphQL subscription initiates an event stream, where each event in the stream is pushed from the server to the client that issued the subscription.
Example use cases for subscriptions are applications that require real-time data such as chat applications or stock trading platforms.
GraphQL Yoga uses server-sent-events for the subscription protocol. You don’t need any extra packages to use subscriptions.
Compared to implementing query and mutation resolvers, subscriptions are more complex to implement as they require additional infrastructure for scenarios where you have more than one instance of your GraphQL server running as the event streams must be distributed across all servers.
Quick start with Server-Sent Events
Subscriptions can be added by extending your GraphQL schema with a Subscription
import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/node'
// Provide your schema
const server = createServer({
schema: {
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type Query {
hello: String
type Subscription {
countdown(from: Int!): Int!
resolvers: {
Query: {
hello: () => 'world'
Subscription: {
countdown: {
// This will return the value on every 1 sec until it reaches 0
subscribe: async function* (_, { from }) {
for (let i = from; i >= 0; i--) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
yield { countdown: i }
Start the server, visit http://localhost:4000/graphql
and paste the following operation into the left panel.
subscription {
countdown(from: 5)
Then press the Play (Execute Query) button.
Alternatively, you can also send the subscription operation via curl.
curl -N -H "accept:text/event-stream" http://localhost:4000/graphql?query=subscription%20%7B%0A%20%20countdown%28from%3A%205%29%0A%7D
data: {"data":{"countdown":5}}
data: {"data":{"countdown":4}}
data: {"data":{"countdown":3}}
data: {"data":{"countdown":2}}
data: {"data":{"countdown":1}}
data: {"data":{"countdown":0}}
Watch Episode #52 of
for a quick introduction to using GraphQL Subscriptions with Server Sent
GraphQL Subscriptions with Server-Sent Events
Handling Subscriptions on the Client
WHATWG standard EventSource
can be used without any extra packages to handle SSE.
const url = new URL('http://localhost:4000/graphql')
/* GraphQL */ `
subscription Countdown($from: Int!) {
countdown(from: $from)
url.searchParams.append('variables', JSON.stringify({ from: 10 }))
const eventsource = new EventSource(url.href, {
withCredentials: true // This is required for cookies
eventsource.onmessage = (event) => {
const data = JSON.parse(
console.log(data) // This will result something like `{ "data": { "countdown": 0 } }`
Client Usage with Apollo
We can create an SSELink
to use with Apollo Client.
To send non Subscription operations via the default HTTP protocol, you can use split
from the Apollo Link package.
For more information please refer to the Apollo Link documentation .
import {
} from '@apollo/client/core'
import { split } from '@apollo/client/link/core'
import { HttpLink } from '@apollo/client/link/http'
import { print, getOperationAST } from 'graphql'
type SSELinkOptions = EventSourceInit & { uri: string }
class SSELink extends ApolloLink {
constructor(private options: SSELinkOptions) {
request(operation: Operation): Observable<FetchResult> {
const url = new URL(this.options.uri)
url.searchParams.append('query', print(operation.query))
if (operation.operationName) {
if (operation.variables) {
url.searchParams.append('variables', JSON.stringify(operation.variables))
if (operation.extensions) {
return new Observable((sink) => {
const eventsource = new EventSource(url.toString(), this.options)
eventsource.onmessage = function (event) {
const data = JSON.parse(
if (eventsource.readyState === 2) {
eventsource.onerror = function (error) {
return () => eventsource.close()
const uri = 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'
const sseLink = new SSELink({ uri })
const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri })
const link = split(
({ query, operationName }) => {
const definition = getOperationAST(query, operationName)
return (
definition?.kind === 'OperationDefinition' &&
definition.operation === 'subscription'
Client Usage with urql
Here is an example with urql’s subscriptionExchange
import { createClient, defaultExchanges, subscriptionExchange } from 'urql'
const client = createClient({
url: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql',
exchanges: [
forwardSubscription(operation) {
const url = new URL('http://localhost:4000/graphql')
url.searchParams.append('query', operation.query)
if (operation.variables) {
return {
subscribe(sink) {
const eventsource = new EventSource(url.toString(), {
withCredentials: true // This is required for cookies
eventsource.onmessage = (event) => {
const data = JSON.parse(
if (eventsource.readyState === 2) {
eventsource.onerror = (error) => {
return {
unsubscribe: () => eventsource.close()
Subscriptions over WebSockets with graphql-ws
Suppose you want to use the graphql-transport-ws
protocol with GraphQL Yoga, you can use the graphql-ws
To have the same execution pipeline in graphql-ws
, we can use the Envelop instance from GraphQL Yoga like below in Node.JS.
Also, you can set subscriptionsProtocol
in GraphiQL options to use WebSockets instead of Server-Sent Events within GraphiQL.
import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/node'
import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws'
import { useServer } from 'graphql-ws/lib/use/ws'
async function main() {
const yogaApp = createServer({
graphiql: {
// Use WebSockets in GraphiQL
subscriptionsProtocol: 'WS'
// Get NodeJS Server from Yoga
const httpServer = await yogaApp.start()
// Create WebSocket server instance from our Node server
const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
server: httpServer,
path: yogaApp.getAddressInfo().endpoint
// Integrate Yoga's Envelop instance and NodeJS server with graphql-ws
execute: (args: any) => args.rootValue.execute(args),
subscribe: (args: any) => args.rootValue.subscribe(args),
onSubscribe: async (ctx, msg) => {
const { schema, execute, subscribe, contextFactory, parse, validate } =
const args = {
operationName: msg.payload.operationName,
document: parse(msg.payload.query),
variableValues: msg.payload.variables,
contextValue: await contextFactory(),
rootValue: {
const errors = validate(args.schema, args.document)
if (errors.length) return errors
return args
main().catch((e) => {
Check out our working example for this integration
Client integration
Please refer to the graphql-ws
client recipes.
SSE vs WebSocket
Advantages of SSE over Websockets
- Transported over simple HTTP instead of a custom protocol
- Built-in support for re-connection and event-id Simpler protocol
- No trouble with corporate firewalls doing packet inspection
Advantages of Websockets over SSE
- Real-time, two-directional communication
- Lower latency
SSE gotchas
Getting Started
GraphQL Yoga comes with a built-in PubSub (publish/subscribe) bus. This makes it easy to send new events to the client from within your mutation resolvers.
import { createServer, createPubSub } from '@graphql-yoga/node'
const pubSub = createPubSub()
// Provide your schema
const server = createServer({
schema: {
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type Query {
hello: String
type Subscription {
randomNumber: Float!
type Mutation {
broadcastRandomNumber: Boolean
resolvers: {
Query: {
hello: () => 'world'
Subscription: {
randomNumber: {
// subscribe to the randomNumber event
subscribe: () => pubSub.subscribe('randomNumber'),
resolve: (payload) => payload
Mutation: {
broadcastRandomNumber(_, args) {
// publish a random number
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', Math.random())
When using TypeScript it is possible to make the event emitter type-safe by providing a channel configuration via a generic.
const pubSub = createPubSub<{
randomNumber: [randomNumber: number]
// This is now type-safe.
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', 1)
// This causes a TypeScript error.
// This causes a TypeScript error.
pubSub.publish('event does not exist')
You can subscribe to a specific topic using pubSub.subscribe
const pubSub = createPubSub<{
randomNumber: [randomNumber: number]
// Usage outside a GraphQL subscribe function
async function subscribe() {
const eventSource = pubSub.subscribe('randomNumber')
for await (const value of eventSource) {
// dispose subscription after the first event has been published.
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', 3)
You can publish a value using pubSub.publish
const pubSub = createPubSub<{
randomNumber: [randomNumber: number]
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', 3)
Topic configuration variants
You can declare events with and without a payload.
const pubSub = createPubSub<{
// event has no payload
'event:without:payload': []
// event has payload of type number
'event:payload:number': [payload: number]
// event has payload of type { foo: number }
'event:payload:obj': [payload: { foo: number }]
pubSub.publish('event:payload:number', 12)
pubSub.publish('event:payload:obj', { foo: 1 })
Topic with Dynamic ID
Sometimes you only want to emit and listen for events for a specific entity (e.g. user or product). You can declare topics scoped to a special identifier.
const pubSub = createPubSub<{
'user:followerCount': [userId: string, payload: { followerCount: number }]
const userId1 = '420'
const userId2 = '69'
// the userId argument is enforced by the TypeScript compiler.
pubSub.subscribe('user:followerCount', userId1)
pubSub.subscribe('user:followerCount', userId2)
pubSub.publish('user:followerCount', userId1, { followerCount: 30 })
pubSub.publish('user:followerCount', userId2, { followerCount: 12 })
Distributed Pub/Sub for Production
If you spin up multiple instances of your GraphQL server each server instance will have its in-memory pub/sub instance. An event triggered on one server instance will not be distributed to the other server instances, resulting in subscribers on the other server not receiving any updates.
The createPubSub
function allows you to specify a custom EventTarget
implementation, which can use an external datastore for distributing the events across all server replicas such as Redis Pub/Sub
or Kafka
The minimal EventTarget
implementation is described by the TypedEventTarget
Yoga comes with an EventTarget
implementation for Redis Pub/Sub .
yarn add @graphql-yoga/redis-event-target ioredis
import Redis from 'ioredis'
import { createPubSub } from '@graphql-yoga/common'
import { createRedisEventTarget } from '@graphql-yoga/redis-event-target'
const publishClient = new Redis()
const subscribeClient = new Redis()
const eventTarget = createRedisEventTarget({
const pubSub = createPubSub({ eventTarget })
Please note that Redis Pub/Sub requires a stable long-running connection and thus is not a suitable solution for serverless or edge function environments.
Please also note that the event payloads must be JSON serializable. If you
want to send complex data structures over the wire you can use tools such as
Filter and Map Values
Sometimes it is useful to filter or map events for an individual subscription set up by a client based on subscription field arguments. Yoga has a few utility functions that make this as simple as possible.
Example PubSub Event Stream Transform
import {
} from '@graphql-yoga/node'
const pubSub = createPubSub<{
randomNumber: [randomNumber: number]
const source = pipe(
map((publishedNumber) => publishedNumber * 2),
filter((multipliedNumber) => multipliedNumber < 10)
;(async () => {
for await (const value of source) {
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', 1) // logs 2
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', 2) // logs 4
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', 5) // filtered out
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', 3) // logs 6
Example Random Number Stream Transform
import { createServer, createPubSub } from '@graphql-yoga/node'
const pubSub = createPubSub()
// Provide your schema
const server = createServer({
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type Query {
hello: String
type Subscription {
randomNumber(multiplyBy: Int!, lessThan: Float!): Float!
type Mutation {
broadcastRandomNumber: Boolean
resolvers: {
Query: {
hello: () => 'world'
Subscription: {
randomNumber: {
// subscribe to the randomNumber event
subscribe: (_, args) =>
map((publishedNumber) => publishedNumber * args.multiplyBy),
filter((multipliedNumber) => multipliedNumber < args.lessThan)
resolve: (payload) => payload
Mutation: {
broadcastRandomNumber(_, args) {
// publish a random number
pubSub.publish('randomNumber', Math.random())
Subscriptions with Initial Value
GraphQL’s subscriptions are primarily designed to send a stream of events to the client. Sometimes it is useful to send an initial value to a client as soon as the GraphQL subscription is set up.
An example of this would be a Subscription.globalCounter
field that syncs a counter with all clients by streaming the initial counter value to a client that sets up the subscription and then, furthermore, streams the updated counter value to the clients every time it changes.
GraphQL’s subscriptions are implemented using Async Iteration , which in itself is a very complex topic with a lot of pitfalls that can cause memory leaks if not treated with caution.
Yoga uses and re-exports Repeater.js
(“The missing constructor for creating safe async iterators”) for providing a friendly developer experience.
import {
} from '@graphql-yoga/node'
let globalCounter = 0
const pubSub = createPubSub()
// Provide your schema
const server = createServer({
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type Query {
hello: String
type Subscription {
globalCounter: Int!
type Mutation {
incrementGlobalCounter: Int!
resolvers: {
Query: {
hello: () => 'world'
Subscription: {
globalCounter: {
// Merge initial value with source stream of new values
subscribe: () =>
// cause an initial event so the
// globalCounter is streamed to the client
// upon initiating the subscription
// event stream for future updates
// map all stream values to the latest globalCounter
map(() => globalCounter)
resolve: (payload) => payload
Mutation: {
incrementGlobalCounter() {
globalCounter = globalCounter + 1
// publish a global counter increment event
return globalCounter
Listen to Multiple Pub/Sub Topics
Sometimes it is handy to subscribe to multiple PubSub topics instead of a single one.
import { createServer, createPubSub, Repeater } from '@graphql-yoga/node'
type User = {
id: string
login: string
let user: User | null = {
id: '1',
login: 'Laurin'
const pubSub = createPubSub<{
userLoginChanged: []
userDeleted: []
// Provide your schema
const server = createServer({
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type Query {
hello: String
type User {
id: ID!
login: String
type Subscription {
user: User
type Mutation {
deleteUser: Boolean
updateUserLogin(newLogin: String!): Boolean
resolvers: {
Query: {
hello: () => 'world'
Subscription: {
user: {
// Merge initial value with source streams of new values
subscribe: () =>
// map all stream values to the latest user
map(() => user)
resolve: (payload) => payload
Mutation: {
deleteUser() {
user = null
return true
updateUserLogin(_, args) {
if (!user) {
return false
user.login = args.newLogin
return true